Global Climate Change

CSL Partners with WWF-Canada to Combat Climate Change

Shipping line will try to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and to help marine industry improve its carbon footprint.

Crop Declines Expected from Warming; Panel Urges Use of Biotechnology

By the end of this century, scientists project that much of the tropics and subtropics will exceed 86 degree Fahrenheit in the growing season and affect important food crops.

TMS to Work on Transformational Materials Opportunities

DOE commissions the Minerals Metals & Materials Society to study materials opportunities to meet U.S. energy goals.

Michael Kintner-Meyer, Rob Pratt, Tom Secrest, and Kevin Schneider

PNNL Report: Smart Grid Could Lower Emissions 12% by 2030

One Pacific Northwest National Laboratory researcher says the report has significant implications for public and private sector interests engaging in future research, financial and policy decisions in this area.

35 Midwest Communities Sign on for Lower Footprints

EPA Region 5 has increased membership in its Community Climate Change Initiative, which offers free resources to help communities address the issue.

Chevrolet Silverado B20

Automaker, RFS2 and Bus Fleet Commit to Biodiesel

Attendees at the 2010 National Biodiesel Conference got an earful of good news for the industry.

UNT Model Suggests Proteins May Work for CO2 Capture

A technique used to develop new pharmaceuticals could be used to develop new materials that capture carbon dioxide.

Indiana Professor: Obama Should Order GHG Cuts

Rafael Reuveny says consensus won't work for managing greenhouse gas emissions.

ducks may be affected by climate change

Warming Climate Drives Wetland Loss, Will Affect Ducks

Model research says that the prairie pothole region of central North America is much more sensitive to climate warming and drying than previously thought.

New Energy Unveils 'Spraying' Solar Cells Technology

Company says researchers have developed a process for spraying solar cells onto glass windows to generate electricity.

environmental software

Green Screen

Emissions tracking software keeps companies one step ahead of impending greenhouse gas regulation.

CARB Vouchers Set to Scale Up Hybrid Truck, Bus Fleet Purchases

The California Air Resources Board is offering $20 million in incentives for the purchase of heavy duty hybrids at

UAB Expert: Increasing Acidity Proves CO2 Is Harming Marine Life

Jim McClintock says the increased acidity of the seawater itself can literally begin to eat away at the outer surfaces of shells of existing clams, snails, and other calcified organisms, which could cause species to die outright or become vulnerable to new predators."

Obama Announces 3 Steps to Boost Biofuels, Clean Coal

EPA and USDA finalize rules on renewables and biomass, respectively, while agencies lay out commercialization strategy in the new report, "Growing America's Fuel."

Process to Use Shrimp, Tilapia to Extract Algae Oil for Biofuel

A University of Missouri professor and colleagues have developed a biomass cultivation model for a proposed 50-megawatt natural gas-fired power plant in Southern California.

Obama to Cancel $52 M from Army Corps' 2011 Budget

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' budget would provide $4.9 billion for commercial navigation, flood and coastal storm damage reduction, and aquatic system restoration.