The U.S. Geological Survey says the increase is due to the agency's significant role in climate change monitoring and adaptation, energy, ecosystems, and other priorities.
Agency would apply funds to its core priorities of cleaning the air, land and water while growing the green economy and strengthening enforcement.
Amazon power project moves Brazil closer to emissions goal with plans to install cleaner burning gas engines.
Company founders want to spread the impact of their technologies to reduce energy waste in personal use computers.
Georgia Institute of Technology researchers are trying to establish the role of compounds that absorb infrared energy in global warming.
The National Academy of Sciences should limit itself to the science of the conservation plan and the environmental needs of the Bay Delta, according to the Environmental Defense Fund.
Congressman Edward Markey will discuss the future of the low-carbon economy at the Boston venue.
An assessment of hundreds and thousands of years shows that what seems an irregular phenomenon today is in fact nothing new, explained Dorit Sivan.
“Today’s settlement sets the most stringent limit for sulfur dioxide emissions ever imposed on a coal-fired power plant in a federal settlement,” said Cynthia Giles, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.
Water Research Foundation is still seeking requests for proposals on drinking water research related to climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, water quality, and operational issues.
Intel and Kohl's still hold top two spots for green power usage within the EPA partnership.
GridWise Alliance president says it will take consumers, businesses, factories, and government to ensure that the smart grid lives up to our expectations.
The study simulated climate change to develop better flood management plans for existing water systems.
Murkowski and 38 other lawmakers think climate policy should be hammered out in Congress, not by EPA.
Forests remain important climate stabilizers, but there are tradeoffs, such as those between carbon sequestration and surface radiation budgets, that policymakers need to consider when predicting the future.
Under a DOE contract, LMI will support the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) in implementing an order that requires federal agencies to set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and increase energy efficiency.
15 Saint Gobain Containers facilities and 13 Lafarge Company plants are the subject of a settlement under the Clean Air Act's New Source Review requirements, which will cost them millions of dollars.
CE2 Carbon Capital and Dogwood Carbon Solutions' ‘Red Fern’ project to help private landowners monetize and conserve forestry assets.
This week, EPonline visitors had a lot to say about climate change related to the American Farm Bureau's position and a National Center for Policy Analysis report on nuclear power.
Here's a sampling of the eight climate change comments posted so far: