Global Climate Change

Exelon Energy Helps Businesses Assess Energy Carbon Footprints

Interactive Web tool allows customers in Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania calculate their energy use and find ways to reduce it.

EPA Applauds 8 Landfills for Lower GHG Emissions, New Power

Recognized methane capture projects include the largest liquefied natural gas facility in Livermore, Calif.

Washington Gas, Honeywell to Build Cogeneration Plant for GSA

The cogeneration plant will increase energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the new Department of Homeland Security campus.

UCS Asks Farm Bureau to Discuss Climate Change Position

Scientists are hoping for a meeting with "the Voice of Agriculture" to open a dialogue on its stance on global climate change.

Cornell University to Start CHPP, Eliminate Coal in 2011

As part of its Climate Action Plan, the university's new combined heat and power plant is expected to help lower Cornell's carbon footprint by almost 30 percent.

Pennsylvania, States Sign MOU on Low Carbon Fuel Standard

The memorandum of understanding establishes a process to develop a regional framework by 2011 and examine economic impacts of the transportation standard.

Money Available for Methane Reduction Projects

EPA is offering up to $5 million to organizations to fund innovative, international methane reduction projects in Methane to Markets partner countries.

AVRC, CyberMetrix Win DOE Electric Test Vehicle Contract

AVRC and CyberMetrix will design and construct a research platform vehicle for use in analysis and testing of multiple combinations of electric vehicle drive-train components.

Sandia Labs Develop Competitive Microphotovoltaic Cells

Photovoltaic modules made from these microsized cells for the rooftops of homes and warehouses could have intelligent controls, inverters and even storage built in at the chip level, says one field engineer.

NCPA Report: Nuclear Power Is Safe, Could Answer Energy Mandates

Recycling nuclear fuel would decrease the problem of nuclear waste disposal, the report says.

Business Coalition Wants Clean Energy, Climate Laws

The American Businesses for Clean Energy has been "overwhelmed" by interest in its initiative to support passage of energy and climate bills to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

How 'Green' was COP-15?

From toner cartridges to carbon offsets, organizers tried to make this historic environmental meeting a 'green' one.

Meltwater Role More Complicated in Glacier Ice Loss, Researchers Say

Scientists studying glaciers discussed their research at the American Geophysical Union Meeting on Dec. 16.

Ontario, Canada, to Help Developing Countries Fight Climate Change

A United Nations Development Programme links developed nations to developing ones with the promise of sharing expertise and funding.

ACS Magazine Probes Global Warming Cause - Human or Nature?

Chemical & Engineering News' latest cover story interviews representatives on both sides of the debate.

Enzyme Impact on Soil Release of CO2 Now in Climate Models

Alabama researchers collaborate with 18 others to incorporate the role carbonic anhydrase plays in soil carbon dioxide exchanges.

Murkowski to File Resolution Against EPA GHG Finding

Senator seeks "more responsible approaches to dealing with global climate change."

Methane to Markets Mitigating Global Climate Change Since 2004

Thirty-one partner governments have reduced emissions by more than 27.3 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent annually.