Global Climate Change

CAA 2010 Targets Mercury, SO2, and NOx

Sen. Carper hopes to end court challenges with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 2010 and provide electric utilities with certainty and predictability about the future and energy investments.

Senate Bill Seeks to Halt EPA Action on Greenhouse Gases

Bill sponsor Sen. Jay Rockefeller says two-year suspension will protect jobs and the coal industry.

Satellite Data Provides Better Estimate of Glacier Melt, Study Says

French-led research team recalculates rate of glacier melt in Alaska from .0067 inches to sea level rise per year to .0047 inches during the period between 1962 and 2006.

Attorneys Speculate on Value of SEC Carbon Disclosure

Even though there are no accepted standards, companies that create little or no greenhouse gases are being pushed to measure their emissions and disclose material risks for investors.

Companies Say They Will Report, Reduce Emissions without Regulation

The Climate Registry's survey reveals that its members are motivated by business reasons: expected cost of carbon and consumer pressure to be green.

Lawyers Review Climate, TSCA Issues at Conference

The American Bar Association holds its annual environmental gathering in Salt Lake City for first time.

Walmart Sets 20-M-Metric-Ton Goal for Supply Chain Emissions

The retail giant collaborated with Environmental Defense Fund to develop an approach that looks at the supply chain on a global scale.

Clemson, UNC, GT Get Research Grants for Climate Impacts

EPA has invested nearly $17 million for research on climate change impacts and distributed it to 25 universities.

Showcase Communities Get $7.8 M in Grants to Fight GHGs

In the first round of grant funding, EPA provided millions to cities and tribes for climate change projects that serve as models for other communities.

Duke Climate Scientist: Storms, Scandals Don't Discount Global Warming

William Chameides reminds interested parties that "global climate change" describes a condition that affects the planet, not just your backyard.

$17 M Supports Research on Climate Change Impacts

Twenty-five universities to explore public health and environmental facets of climate change.

Ocean Waves May Trigger Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapse

Researchers propose that southbound traveling infragravity waves may be a key mechanical agent that contributes to the production and/or expansion of the pre-existing crevasse fields on ice shelves.

Southern Antarctic Peninsula from 1947 to 2009

USGS: Ice Shelves Disappearing on Antarctic Peninsula

U.S. Geological Survey says retreating ice shelves could result in sea-level rise and threaten coastal communities and low-lying islands worldwide.

Texas Files Review Petitions on GHG Endangerment Finding

Gov. Perry says finding is based on discredited IPCC science and would hurt state agriculture and energy interests.

EPA Launches Gateway Site for New Rules

The agency's newest Web site provides information early and in a concise format to help users gauge interest in a particular regulation.

Epicado: Google Penalizes UK Web Sites on 'Green' Servers

According to a Stroud, Glouchestershire, Web marketing company, Google's policy lowers search result rankings for sites hosted outside the United Kingdom.

WHOI Team: Subtropical Water Flushing Greenland Fjord

Scientists are just beginning to learn more about the influence of ocean currents on ice sheets.

Growing Group Petitions EPA to Reconsider Endangerment Finding

15 U.S. lawmakers and 16 companies join the legal action, which discloses flawed information from IPCC.