A Good Summer Read
The Fourth World eBook Fair, a celebration of freely available literature accessible worldwide, will provide more than 3 million digital items from July 4 - Aug. 4. The selections include approximately 2.25 million eBooks, with a further 1,000 new items being added per business day during the month-long celebration of the birthday of eBooks. The eBook was first realized by Project Gutenberg on July 4, 1971 at the University of Illinois.
The selections are readable on computers, cell phone, Kindles, and virtually every other device for displaying digital content. New high-speed Internet connections and Web servers are in place to handle the vast response expected from the public, seeking free access to much of the world's great literature. And, if you seek something more technical to read while on vacation, some of the selections at World eBook Fair include:
Posted by Angela Nelson on Jul 08, 2009