William Chameides reminds interested parties that "global climate change" describes a condition that affects the planet, not just your backyard.
New subsidiary to include existing ventures Best Sand Corporation, Wedron Silica Co., and technology licensed from Kinetico Inc.
The good news from Environmental Protection's annual Salary Survey is that reported gross salaries appear to have increased over those reported in the 2008 survey. The bad news is that getting or keeping an industry job proved more difficult for many who responded.
- By L.K. Williams, EPonline
EPA says United Parcel Service agreed to pay the civil penalty to settle alleged violations of hazardous waste management rules at a Lenexa, Kan., freight facility.
Guam, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa get a funding boost from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is investing $650,000 in the project, which pairs agency expertise on contaminated sites with NREL's renewable energy know-how.
A Binghamton, N.Y. gas station owner has agreed to improve how its 12 stations detect leaks from underground petroleum storage tank systems at a cost of about $160,000.
The U.S. Army and the Army and Air Force Exchange Service must pay a $167,116 penalty for failing to monitor, test, and keep records for underground petroleum storage tanks.
University of Helsinki chemists think that exposure to silver can be reduced by chemically binding the nanoparticles to polymers.
The $1.7 million project will retrofit 239 on-highway diesel vehicles in Athens-Clarke and Washington counties in Georgia.
University of Michigan researchers claim that small family farms can match or exceed productivity of industrial scale operations in tropical zones, and maintain biodiversity.
The motor vehicle engine company allegedly shipped more than 570,000 heavy duty diesel engines to vehicle equipment manufacturers nationwide without exhaust after-treatment devices included.
The Santa Clara Valley Water District Board recently approved two agreements with the City of San Jose to build a new advanced water treatment facility that will produce highly purified recycled water.
The plaintiffs in Gilbert v. Synagro and Jasinski v. Synagro allege that the defendants’ sludge-related activities have been conducted negligently and have interfered with the use and enjoyment of their property.
The zero-emission technology can convert saltwater to pure drinking water on a round-the-clock basis – and its energy needs are so low, existing solar technology or even the waste heat of an air conditioning system could power it.
The United States' eighth largest water/wastewater utility has released an Envista service that will help it manage construction and maintenance projects cost effectively.
Twenty-five universities to explore public health and environmental facets of climate change.
Scientists at Agricultural Research Service labs tested the effectiveness of Muscodor albus for controlling bunt disease in wheat crops in lieu of synthetic pesticides.