Green Mountain Energy Company's Big Texas Sun Club will choose 2010 recipients from nonprofit applicants.
For the fourth consecutive year, the two organizations are partnering to protect rivers in Oregon and Washington.
Second and third phases of a multi-year project expands the use of the Ovation system at the Stickney Water Reclamation Plant.
Black & Veatch says Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters are designed to bring people closer to water.
Spark emission spectroscopy will allow a nondestructive way to determine how well insulating glass units contain argon.
Bifurcating the fuel supply would confuse consumers, according to the Alliance for a Safe Alternative Fuels Environment.
The Chronicles Group is gathering water planners to discuss the need to implement a comprehensive integrated water policy.
Company adds FCI Watermakers seawater RO desalination systems to its product lineup.
Organizations white paper assesses remediation and whether it is or can be sustainable.
MIT project hopes to make people think about what happens when they throw away razors and water bottles, among other things.
Using biosolids from Metro Vancouver, Nexterra is converting the material into renewable heat for use in sludge dryers.
Oak Ridge Associated Universities is managing the project, which is funded by the Tennessee Valley Authority.
More than 340 people participated in the meeting, agreeing that consistent and globally accepted terminology is the greatest need for sustainable product standards.
The M3 can be used to test almost any water source.
The average household spends as much as $500 per year on water and sewer bills and uses about 100 gallons of water each day, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
University of California researchers say resource management and conservation won't work if they don't address the impacts of land-based human activity, particularly the mouth of the Mississippi River.