Following a Clean Air Act settlement with EPA, Shell Chemical L.P. and Shell Chemical Yabucoa will install pollution reduction equipment and pay a combined $3.3 million civil penalty to the United States, Alabama, and Louisiana.
Using a computer model, the researchers estimated water use among 400 industry sectors and found that most use occurs indirectly as a result of processing.
Company is trying to show how easy cell phone recycling can be and offers up a VIP concert and green grants as incentives.
In model years 2012-2016, automakers will be expected to improve fleet-wide fuel economy and reduce fleet-wide GHG emissions on passenger cars and light trucks by approximately 5 percent every year.
Three small communities will use a $500,000 grant in the "Sustainable Energy Efficiency Demonstration," which could include retrofits, updates to local codes and policies, and using more energy efficient vehicles in municipal fleets.
With $135 million, Garb is engaging six companies to own, manage and operate 10 plants that will manage electronic scrap using the company's technology.
The reuse of horse manure to generate electricity is expected to substantially offset electric charges incurred.
The Global EcoEasy Challenge selects seven finalist concepts from universities in five countries.
Dairy cow manure is broken down to create methane biogas, which is burned to produce electricity and sent to the power grid.
Plant diversity and composition weigh heavily in determining potential energy yield per acre from biomass harvested from Conservation Reserve Program land.
EPA counts the number of Energy Star-labeled buildings to determine the ranking; Los Angeles has 293 building to its credit.
IT asset disposition trends report shows that about 84 percent of respondents have controls in place to handle end-of-life materials.
2009 WasteWise and NPEP partners reported they eliminated or recycled 11 million tons of material.
Utah State University lab and Purestream Technology are creating an oil and gas well head solution for air emissions and wastewater.