The state of Washington has a new rule that requires those that transport recyclable materials to register with the Department of Ecology.
Global Resource Corporation's Patriot-1 has transfomred scrap tires into diesel fuel, methane, pentane, butane, and propane.
The EnOcean Alliance is dedicated to advancing sustainable building automation.
The agency will discuss possible revisions to the Definition of Solid Waste rule and the possibility of withdrawing the Emission Comparable Fuels rule.
After receiving required approvals, the solar farm is expected to deliver 5 megawatts of zero-emission power by April 2010 at the latest.
As an Energy Frontier Research Center, the university will be funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Acme Brick, Glen-Gery Corp., and Whitacre Greer are a few of the companies recognized by the Brick Industry Association.