The order will double the land area actively managed through vegetation thinning, controlled fires, and reforestation from 250,000 acres to 500,000 acres.
He said EPA is beginning a joint process with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to develop a notice and comment rulemaking to set more appropriate GHG emissions standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards. The California Air Resources Board's chair, Mary D. Nichols, issued a statement condemning Pruitt's decision.
The study will analyze storm and ice-jam flood mitigation needs in high-risk areas, including Schenectady, N.Y., which experienced ice-jam flooding in February 2018. The study will include recommendations to mitigate future hazards on the Mohawk River and other waterbodies across New York state.
As described in their paper, the researchers tested this method successfully on a Colorado well field containing placed methane leak sources.
The governor and legislative leaders are partnering on solutions this year that will make California more resilient against the impacts of natural disasters and climate change.
The investments will make a positive difference in communities, such as cleaner air and water, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable water management, better transportation, and energy security and reduced reliance on diesel.
Up to four CAAP stakeholder advisory meetings per year were called for as part of the Clean Air Action Plan Update approved by the Long Beach and Los Angeles ports' boards of harbor commissioners on Nov. 2, 2017; this will be the first advisory meeting.
The Environment Agency also has launched its Flood Action Campaign, which targets younger people through social media and online advertising to encourage them to check their flood risk, sign up for free warnings, and be prepared to take action when flooding hits.
It is the most significant formal agreement on joint action about environment and health issues in more than 15 years, according to the partner organizations.
"This program will help meet the trucking industry's growing demand for safe, fuel-efficient drivers while educating existing operators on improved driving techniques. The real savings come in the form of reduced greenhouse gas emissions, helping meet Canada's domestic and international climate goals," said Jim Carr, Canada's Minister of Natural Resources.
The preorder of Tesla vehicles advances UPS's commitment to reduce its absolute greenhouse gas emissions from global ground operations 12 percent by 2025, the company said, adding that, by 2020, it plans that one in four new vehicles purchased annually will be an alternative fuel or advanced technology vehicle.
The plan allocates $398 million to incentivize clean heavy-duty trucks, buses, and freight projects, including $190 million for advanced-technology freight equipment such as yard trucks, forklifts, and cranes. Most of the money comes from California's cap-and-trade auction proceeds.
"Without rapid cuts in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions, we will be heading for dangerous temperature increases by the end of this century, well above the target set by the Paris climate change agreement," said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. "Future generations will inherit a much more inhospitable planet.
OGCI Climate Investments is a billion-dollar investment fund established last year by OGCI to invest in promising technologies and business models that have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions; the fund is building a network of partners and co-investors in key sectors.
The study estimated coastal property losses from rising seas and more frequent, more intense storms could range from $51 billion to $74 billion per year late in this century.
"A Guide to Assessing Coral Reef Resilience for Decision Support" will help environmental planners and managers assess, map, and monitor coral reef resilience and use the results to prioritize management actions that support resilience in the face of climate change.
And Antarctica is heading to its maximum yearly sea ice extent, which typically occurs in September or early October. NASA reported this year's maximum extent is likely to be among the five lowest in the satellite record — a continuation of the low extents in 2015 and 2016.
Plans submitted to the department will be posted publicly on its website. All of the plans must include an estimated date of completion, and any county that plans to request reimbursement for debris removal following Irma must submit a plan.
At best, experts said that the long-term environmental health consequences of the storm will be “dire.”
The panel will support the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, which is Canada's plan to meet its greenhouse gas emissions reduction target, build resilience to the impacts of climate change, and create clean growth and jobs through investments in clean technology, innovation, and infrastructure.