Author explains that the MIT climate model underestimates the severity of global warming because it does not include natural methane emissions in its calculations.
The National Science Foundation reports that researchers have found signs of a changing climate in nearly every corner of the globe over nearly 60 years.
Delaying decisions on carbon dioxide mitigation will affect power plant management costs.
The state must achieve a 25 percent reduction in emissions by 2020.
More than 24 international water experts participated in the "Ice, Snow,and Water" workshop at the University of California, San Diego.
Governor says California is first to apply for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act energy program funding.
Writer rejects idea that global warming exists.
Texas-based researchers have studied sediments from the Mississippi, Yellow, and Yangtze River deltas and say they contain information on changes in nitrogen application in the drainage basins as well as flooding and hurricane events.
EPA analysis says that the Waxman-Markey bill's cap on carbon pollution would cost individuals about 12 cents per day.
EPA gives the 10 states of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative a Climate Protection Award.
A new report offers comparisons of the carbon footprints of leading U.S. mutual funds.
Burden-sharing, transparency, and limited mechanisms will promote success in an incentive-based greenhouse gas mitigation policy, the study says.