Global Climate Change

MIT Analysis: Lower CO2 Now May Stem Catastrophe

Co-director Ron Prinn says we can stabilize climate if the United States and others would meet aggressive emissions targets.

Free Webcast Addresses Climate Change

The Watershed Academy provides the latest information about what EPA is doing and how an estuary program is preparing for climate change

Experts Set Debate on Carbon Trading for U.S. Business

Will Congress get in step with Europe and pass a cap-and-trade law to stem greenhouse gases?

Southern California Air Projects Get $26.5 M from Stimulus

The funds will be used to replace, repower and update diesel engines in school buses, trucks, locomotives, construction and cargo vehicles.

The Climate Project Hosted Latin America Summit

Al Gore's international non-profit continues training presenters on the climate crisis.

Native Prairie Plant Biofuel May be Better for the Birds

Researchers at Michigan Technological University suggests there are more benign ways to grow biofuels than converting CRP land into cornfields.

Biofuel Producers Form Association to Address Inequities

Group wants EPA to promote the cleanest renewable fuels compatible with existing fuels infrastructure.

WWF: G20 Note Urgency, but Fail to Act on Financing

Heads of the world's 20 largest economies acknowledged the urgent need for a deal in Copenhagen but they took very few concrete measures.

EPA Recognizes 3 Climate Leaders for Reducing GHGs

The agency noted the achievements of Exelon Corp., Public Service Enterprise Group, and Raytheon in reaching or surpassing their goals in the Climate Leaders program.

Illinois Researchers Model Future Landscape

Temperature and photosynthetic active radiation are the most important variables in determining what future forests might look like, according to the study.

American Rivers Names 8 Water-wise Cities

The list features cities in Colorado, Georgia, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Large GHG Emitters Must Collect Data on Jan. 1

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson signed the Final Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule yesterday.

Case Study: That Mmm Mmm Good Feeling

As a Clean Air Act Title V facility, Campbell's Soup Company's Napoleon, Ohio, plant also must meet the requirements of Title VI, which cover the management of the refrigerants chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs).

Scientists Analyze Molecular Basis of Warming Contribution

Molecules containing several fluorine atoms tend to be strong greenhouse gases, compared to molecules containing chlorine and/or hydrogen.

The Climate Registry Upgrading Emissions Reporting in 2010

The next generation online emissions reporting technology will be developed with Misys Open Source Solutions.

Heinz Awards $1 M for Environmental Achievements

Foundation focuses only on environment this year, with 10 recipients each receiving $100,000.

Reader's Commentary

The alarmist comments presented in the following article from your newsletter are very irresponsible given recent information that has come to light regarding the fact that global cooling has actually taken place over the past ten years.

CDR, SRM Are Risky Plan Bs to Manage Warming, Report Says

If efforts to lower greenhouse gases are not successful, governments may turn to geoengineering techniques, which have not been studied or found to be effective at an affordable cost.

Smart Growth Targets Waterfront Communities, Climate Change

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies have released a smart growth guide that will help coastal and waterfront communities tackle threats from sea level rise, stronger hurricanes, flooding and other challenges.

ANSI, NIST Prepare for World Standards Day 2009

Standards groups highlight the critical role of standards and conformity assessment programs for environmental stewardship.