Through the Department of Energy's Geothermal Technologies Program, the company will apply $2 million toward its research on carbon dioxide-based geothermal power production.
The International City/County Management Association found that while local governments recognized the need to create sustainability, they generally have not been able to act on that knowledge.
UK-based businesses have to meet a Sept. 30 deadline to register for the government’s Carbon Reduction Commitment.
A study at the University of Liverpool has uncovered the substance's ability to store carbon dioxide and speed up particular chemical reactions.
The city of Cleveland's mayor is one of more than 1,000 mayors who have signed an agreement to lower carbon dioxide emissions by 7 percent by 2012.
Photographing glaciers, valuing natural ecosystems, and establishing a seed vault are a few of the innovations created by this year's Heinz Family Foundation awardees.
The Securities and Exchange Commission's guidance on disclosing water risks most likely will increase the costs of doing business.
University of Michigan-led researchers will examine current climate, land use, precipitation and water governance patterns and then combine the data with climate change models to forecast possible effects.
Check out these new websites: A Thirsty Planet, ITT H2O Pros, EnergyTrends, and much more.
Flexible long-haul flight routing could save fuel and lower carbon emissions, according to the International Air Transport Association.
Thirty-six governments will be represented at the Oct. 1 meeting in which participants will try to identify possible additional resources to achieve global action to lower methane emissions.
PNNL's Geologic Sequestration Software Suite is expected to be used in planning, deployment, and monitoring of carbon storage projects.
The group will review and discuss in a public meeting final changes to its report.
A new technology for removing water from ultrafine coal slurry has been successfully tested at the commercial scale at an operating coal cleaning plant. The technology offers the possibility of reducing the coal slurry impoundment problem from the source.
The council and 23 other associations are asking both houses of Congress to rein in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
With just a few days' notice, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency set a public hearing on its temporary permitting plan, which will be used for large greenhouse gas emitters in states that aren't ready to manage the process.
Students will be judged on both their ability to create a positive, measurable solution to a local sustainability issue or challenge using scientific methodology and their ability to explain how the solution can be replicated by other communities.
The InterAcademy Council, an Amsterdam-based organization, says the International Panel on Climate Change should establish an executive committee with an executive director to strengthen its procedures.
This tool introduces water utilities to the potential impacts of climate change.