Global Climate Change

USGBC Builds LEED App to Accelerate Certification Process

The U.S. Green Building Council has introduced a new program designed to streamline and create capacity for the LEED building certification process. LEED Automation enables LEED Online, the online tool projects use to submit documentation and certify LEED projects, to interact with third-party technology platforms.

Governors Global Climate Summit 3

Governors' Global Climate Summit Creates Subnational Alliance

State-level leaders are building regional partnerships to accelerate work on the green economy while California recognizes the work in progress through its award program.

PA Governor Announces $7.9M in Grants to Promote Biofuels and Alternative-Fuel Vehicles

Pennsylvania’s Gov. Edward G. Rendell said his state is aiming to cut its oil consumption by more than a half-million gallons as it invests in 21 alternative fuel projects that will create 221 jobs and cut carbon dioxide emissions by 14.5 million pounds.

Volkswagen electric taxi

Volkswagen, Great Dragon Tout Zero Emission Vehicles

Eco Expo Asia featured green transportation at its fifth annual conference and exhibition in Hong Kong.

Duke Study Finds Underground CO2 Could Contaminate Drinking Water

Researchers Robert Jackson and Mark Little took core samples from four drinking water aquifers and discovered that some sites may be more conducive to carbon dioxide storage than others.

Agency Finalizes Greenhouse Gas Reporting for Petroleum, Natural Gas

Facilities that emit more than 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent a year will have to monitor these releases and report to EPA.

UNC Wins First National Building Competition to Save Energy

Sears and JCPenney stores in Maryland and California came in second and third, respectively.

Atlanta Officials Stake a Claim for Green Jobs Epicenter

The Southface SWEET Center has already trained 700+ energy-efficiency professionals, benefiting 3,500 low-income families.

Eco Expo Asia Attracts U.S. Interest

Regional and international companies have gathered in Hong Kong for "Business Solutions to Climate Change," the theme of their year's expo.

Living Wall Is More than Display of Art

According to its designers, the green wall makes use of the vertical planting to save energy, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and create a new ecosystem.

Voters to Decide if California Invests in GHG Reduction or Jobs

Proposition 23, if approved, will halt state regulatory action against greenhouse gas emissions.

Voters Support Clean Energy in U.S. House Races Nationwide

New data on 23 Democratic House incumbents show that support for climate change bill could help in tough races.

Alion and Tetra Tech Win EPA Contract Awards

Alion will conduct research on human pollutant exposures while Tetra Tech will support the federal agency's landfill methane outreach program.

DOE Rule to Govern Lower-Energy Federal Buildings

Comments on the proposal are due by Dec. 14. The rule will require reduced use of fossil fuel-generated energy in new federal buildings and federal buildings undergoing major renovation.

NOAA Establishes $27.6M Supercomputing Center in West Virginia

Funded with $27.6 million in American Reinvestment and Recovery Act money, the center will make use of about 54,000-square feet of space in the I-79 Technology Park Research Center in Fairmont.

EPA Lays Out Five-Year Plan on Priorities

The plan includes benchmarks to track progress against such priorities as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting America's waters.

Study Claims Human Activities Overload Ecosystems with Nitrogen

Resulting ecological damage is serious, but could be reduced by wider use of more sustainable, time-honored practices.

DOT and EPA to Work with CARB for Tighter Tailpipe Standards

On the high end, cars will be expected to achieve 60 miles per gallon by the year 2025.

Research Team Finds Better Catalyst for Hydrogen Purification

An atomically dispersed platinum catalyst could replace a copper-based catalyst currently being studied for use in on-board hydrogen production in fuel cells.