Global Climate Change

Farms of the Future: Bio-Oil, Biochar from Biomass

Rural landscapes of the future might have pyrolysis plants instead of grain elevators on every horizon —processing centers where farmers would bring bulky crops such as switchgrass to be made into crude oil.

The Coast Guard's Arctic Agenda Heats Up

If regions were given hospitality rankings, the Arctic would fall somewhere between zero and below zero. Temperatures can plunge to −60 degrees Farenheit, and winds can exceed 75 mph. Half the year, skies are black, making icebergs dangerous obstacles.

NASA's Aura Satellite Measures Pollution 'Butterfly' from Fires in Central Africa

Fires raging in central Africa are generating a high amount of pollution that is showing up in data from NASA's Aura Satellite, with the ominous shape of a dark red butterfly in the skies over southern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and northern Angola.

Shrinking Greenland Glacier Grew Rapidly During Cooler Times

Large, marine-calving glaciers have the ability not only to shrink rapidly in response to global warming, but also to grow at a remarkable pace during periods of global cooling, according to University at Buffalo geologists working in Greenland.

Wood Products Part of Winning Carbon Emissions Equation

Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to grow, so forests have long been proposed as a way to offset climate change.

EPA Strengthens Key Scientific Database to Protect Public Health

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently announced plans to improve its Integrated Risk Information System program as part of an ongoing effort initiated in 2009 to strengthen the program.

Researchers to Study Effect of CO2 Injection on Geological Formations

In a test project, researchers plan to inject some 20,000 tons of carbon dioxide into a coalbed methane field in southwest Virginia, at a site that is not suitable for underground mining purposes.

Researchers Dig Deep Into Wyoming Basin for Global Warming Clues

About 55 million years ago, the Earth burped up a massive release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere – an amount equivalent to burning all the petroleum and other fossil fuels that exist today.

Climate Change Reducing Ocean’s Carbon Dioxide Uptake

As one of the planet’s largest single carbon absorbers, the ocean takes up roughly one-third of all human carbon emissions, reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide and its associated global changes.But whether the ocean can continue mopping up human-produced carbon at the same rate is still up in the air.

Study Finds Substantial Uncertainty With Natural Proxy Temperature Reconstruction

Since 1998, climate scientists have attempted to reconstruct global annual temperature over the last millennium using natural proxies such as tree rings and ice cores. However, a new study finds substantial uncertainty in these reconstructions.

Poll: Most Americans Think Devastating Natural Disasters Are Increasing

When Americans were asked if they think that there have been more devastating natural disasters, including hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes recently, three quarters of U.S. adults say they believe there have been more 76 percent, with three in 10 saying they believe there have been many more 31 percent.

Electric Vehicle Conversion Convention to be Held in Sept.

Originally proposed as a small gathering of EVTV viewers, the concept grew into more of a convention within two weeks of the announcement due to the number of early registrants.

Survey Says Consumers Still Prefer Gas-Powered Vehicles

The study concluded that consumers prioritize economic value over environmental considerations when they make large purchases.

Culture Influences People's Response to Climate Change

How people choose to consume resources and use contraception influences their responses to climate change, according to a team of psychologists.

Pew Calls for Obama Administration to Raise MPG Standards (with video)

The Pew Clean Energy Program launched a video this week to raise awareness of the benefits of increasing the fuel efficiency—or miles-per-gallon (MPG)—standards for cars and light trucks to as high as 60 MPG by 2025.

Aviation Fuels Can Now Include Bioderived Constituents

Renewable fuels can now be blended with conventional commercial and military jet (or gas turbine) fuel through requirements in the newly issued edition of Specifications for Aviation Turbine Fuel Containing Synthesized Hydrocarbons.

Entergy Helps New York Avoid Nearly 35,000 Tons of Greenhouse Gases

Preventing 35,000 tons CO2 from reaching the atmosphere is equal to taking more than 6,000 vehicles off the road for a year.

Developing Corn for Warmer Climate Is Focus of Research

The prospect of rising temperatures in Iowa and the Midwest is predicted to lead to a dramatic decline in corn yield. With a $5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Iowa State University researchers are looking to develop a corn variety that maintains the region’s high yields even as temperatures rise.

Industry Leaders Form Association to Promote Biocoal

Clean-technology companies, industrial users and research institutions in Germany and Switzerland have together founded Hydrothermale Carbonisierung e.V. The aim of the association is to promote the use of hydrothermal carbonization.

Long Droughts Make Some Chemicals More Toxic to Aquatic Life

The study found that drought conditions make some chemicals in the environment more toxic to fish and other aquatic life.