Global Climate Change

Warm water in the Pacific often creates thunderstorms that become a “global chimney”, which can launch gases into the stratosphere.

Tropical Pacific May Play Huge Role in Global Warming

A group of scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) will begin a project that explores the possibility of storm activity in the Pacific Ocean may contribute to global climate change.

Will the Brazilian courts uphold constitution protections for future generations as a basis to strike down new forest laws that allow destruction of the world’s climate – protecting forests?

Brazil Repeals Forest Code and Deforestation Accelerates

Will the Brazilian courts uphold constitution protections for future generations as a basis to strike down new forest laws that allow destruction of the world’s climate – protecting forests?

The Supreme Court has defined the limited issue as "whether EPA permissibly determined that its regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from new motor vehicles triggered permitting requirements under the Clean Air Act for stationary sources that emit greenhouse gases."

Stationary Sources of Greenhouse Gases

Will the Supreme Court, which recently let stand the D.C. Circuit's decision that greenhouse gases present a danger to the environment through climate change, allow EPA to control greenhouse gases from stationary sources?

Coal interests fiercely oppose EPA

Regulation of Carbon Emissions for Existing Power Plants Under the Clean Air Act

Will EPA finally propose regulations that significantly reduce carbon emissions from existing coal-fired power plants?

Will federal flood insurance reforms fully embrace the new reality of climate change driving frequent and intense storms?

Severe Weather Events and the National Flood Insurance Program

Will federal flood insurance reforms fully embrace the new reality of climate change driving frequent and intense storms?

As the largest investment in working lands, the pending Farm Bill may be our best bet to address agriculture’s contribution to climate change.

Growing Climate Change: The Farm Bill as Comprehensive Climate Change Policy

Will the new Farm Bill’s policies cause agriculture to contribute to or mitigate against climate change? As the largest investment in working lands, the pending Farm Bill may be our best bet to address agriculture’s contribution to climate change. Proposed changes would ironically reduce conservation programs, which mitigate climate change, and provide more insurance for farmers affected by climate change events, shoring up profits for commodity producers.

If left unmonitored, recent trends of forest loss could result in a significant loss of land conservation and water quality, and limit climate change protection.

Loss of Forest Cover Threatens Water, Climate, and Land Conservation

A recent study conducted by Harvard University urges the importance of land-use regulations to help preserve water quality, increase the amount of harvested wood, and protect wildlife habitats.

Hidden Climate Change Caused by Shale Gas Boom

EIP Announces Hidden Climate Change Impact to Fracking Boom

The recent shale gas boom has led to climate change impact in more than 90 new industrial plants, which are projected to emit greenhouse gases equal to 21 coal-fired power plants.

Some in Congress Urge Faster Phase-Out of Hydrofluorocarbons

A letter from U.S. Sen. Tom Carper, who chairs the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee, and 15 colleagues asks EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to take action to accelerate the process.

White House CEQ Chair Announces Departure

Nancy Sutley is leaving in February 2014, the White House announced.

Missing Arctic measurements could explain a hiatus in warming data that has puzzled researchers for years.

The Missing Heat

Non-climate scientists' study is seen as a convincing explanation for something that has puzzled other researchers for many years.

Active Volcano Rumbles beneath Antarctica Ice

Scientist says a staggering amount of energy needed to punch through the ice.

Experts Agree Ocean Acidification Caused by Carbon Dioxide Emission from Human Activity

Change our behaviors or expect significant economic and ecosystem loss to our world’s oceans.

EPA Listens to Texans Talk Black and Green

Texas has a reputation for just about anything other than environmental activism, but a public hearing held Nov. 7 by EPA was crowded with people patiently waiting their three-minute turn at the microphone.

Keystone Activists Greet Obama in Dallas

Activists met President Obama yesterday as he arrived at a fundraiser in Dallas, to call on him to reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

WMO Reports New Record High for Greenhouse Gases

Call for action now, saying “Time is not on our side.”

Texas Researchers Head to Antarctica for Pollution Study

A team of scientists will be leaving for Antarctica this week in order to conduct a pollution study.

Congenerattion offers efficiency and a waste-to-energy path.

The Future of Cogeneration is Green

Gas-fired cogen plants are common, but biomass-fueled plants have the added benefit of using a renewable, practically inexhaustible fuel source.

New NRDC Campaign Helps Schools Receive Solar Power

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has launched a crowd-funding campaign to support a new initiative to help schools purchase and install rooftop solar systems that can provide clean, renewable energy.

Communities Across Six States Receive EPA Funding for Water Pollution and More

Various communities in Arizona, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Rhode Island, and South Carolina received $400,000 in grants to help combat water pollution and climate change.