The public can comment on the EPA’s proposed cleanup plan of mercury-contaminated soil at the New Jersey site until December 12.
The average temperature around the world was 58.7 degrees Fahrenheit.
One year after the PFAS Strategic Roadmap was announced, the EPA is looking back at the progress it’s made.
These devices can decrease emissions, improve air quality and limit global warming.
Making changes can have a big impact on the environment.
E-waste can lead to air and water pollution as well as soil contamination.
A combined total of $9 million will be given to over 30 recipients.
Lead exposure can lead to multiple health concerns for people.
The EPA received nearly 2,000 applications, totaling about $4 billion in requests.
Some ways industries and people can fight environmental racism include changing practices and educating themselves.
- By Chandler Blythe Duncan
The office will have many responsibilities, including working with communities to "understand their needs" and ensuring environemtnal justice issues are included in EPA work, the agency said.
Founder Yvon Chouinard announced the change in ownership this week.
There are choices you can make to help your construction be more sustainable.
These two types of PFAS can be found in fire-fighting foams and applications as well as polishes and other items.
The act, signed in August by President Joe Biden, will invest $369 billion in the environment.
The Environmental Justice Index (EJI) was published in August.
Eco-friendly supply chains are good for the environment and your company's wallet.
Although the amount of waste on our planet is estimated to increase, there are steps we can take now to change that.
The standard was revised last November.
The funding will go to replacing old school buses with clean, zero-emission buses.