Environmental Health and Safety

 After the BC mine catastrophe earlier this week, Alaskans are asking the EPA to finalize mine waste restrictions in order to protect their fishery.

BC Mine Failure Brings Pebble Mine Risks to Light

After the BC mine catastrophe earlier this week, Alaskans are asking the EPA to finalize mine waste restrictions in order to protect their fishery.

EPA Releases Tool to Help Communities Be More Flood Resilient

The agency has released a tool to help communities better prepare for, deal with and recover from floods.

Hundreds of Pennsylvania Homes Protected After Mine Cleanup

The Department of Environmental Protection in Pennsylvania has completed a $5.6 million mine reclamation project which will help protect more than 100 homes near the mine.

Today, the EPA has released a proposal that will place tough emissions limits on coal-fired power plants, which is expected to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent.

EPA Limits Coal-Fired Power Plants to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Today, the EPA has released a proposal that will place tough emissions limits on coal-fired power plants, which is expected to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent.

While many were happy to see much of the oil slick in Galveston Bay being pushed out into the gulf by wind and weather, this has created additional environmental threats further down the Texas coastline.

Effects of Galveston Oil Spill Persist on Texas Coast

While many were happy to see much of the oil slick in Galveston Bay being pushed out into the gulf by wind and weather, this has created additional environmental threats further down the Texas coastline.

25 Grants Approved for Natural Gas Vehicle Conversion in Pennsylvania

More than $7 million in Act 13 funding has been awarded by Governor Tom Corbett for 25 companies and organizations that are making the switch to natural gas for their heavy-duty fleet vehicles.


Are You Being Greenwashed?

The ins and outs of eco-friendly, green labeling and advertising on products.

The EPA has issued an order to the U.S. to remove 15 million pounds of explosives and propellant that are currently stored at Camp Minden in Minden, La.

EPA Orders Army to Remove Illegally Stored Explosives

The EPA has issued an order to the U.S. Army to remove 15 million pounds of explosives and propellant that are currently stored at Camp Minden in Minden, La.

EPA Proposes New Pesticide Exposure Safety Measures

The agency has announced proposed revisions to the Worker Protection Standard for agricultural workers exposed to pesticides.

U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman, a California Democrat, has been the architect of many important environmental, health, and food safety laws.

Waxman Announces He'll Retire This Year

Ranking Democrat on the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, he has played a leading role in enacting major environmental and health laws for decades.

Groups Urge EPA to Close Pollution Reporting Loophole in Oil and Gas Industry

In an EIP report, it was found that 395 facilities in six states emit over 10,000 pounds of toxic chemicals each year, but don’t report to the Toxics Release Inventory because of a government loophole.

Communities along the pipeline route launched Texas Pipeline Watch to arm landowners and citizens with cameras to document every spill, leak, and disturbance along the risky pipeline.

Texas Pipeline Watch to Closely Monitor TransCanada’s Tar Sands Pipeline

As the southern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline starts to flow this week, residents around the route will be using cameras from the Texas Pipeline Watch to monitor and document all activity of the pipeline.

LA Sues Oil Company for Allegedly Breaching Environmental Regulations

The city of Los Angeles’ Attorney’s Office sues AllenCo Energy.

President Obama’s awaited decision on the Keystone XL pipeline has become a proxy for the larger debate on climate change.

Obama's Decision on the Keystone XL Pipeline

President Obama’s awaited decision on the Keystone XL pipeline has become a proxy for the larger debate on climate change. Will Obama allow the pipeline to go forward?

U.S. drinking water system operators have been preparing for the federal lead-free law to take effect in January 2014. Four states already have laws in place that comply with or exceed its requirements.

Drinking Water Providers Getting the Lead Out

The Reduction Act calls for reducing lead in new products, new installations, and repairs of systems that deliver drinking water. It takes effect in January 2014.

Earth Day Texas

The Lone Star State seeks environmental awareness.

Coal Ash Pollutants Levels Exceed Health Guidelines

A new EIP Report describes TVA coal ash pollutants that were measured over the past five years, including arsenic, boron, and cobalt, exceed health guidelines.

WMO Reports New Record High for Greenhouse Gases

Call for action now, saying “Time is not on our side.”

Keystone XL Pipeline Derailed?

Impatient oil companies associated with the project build rail terminals to deliver oil from western Canada to U.S. refineries in the Gulf Coast.

Ethiopia Power's Up Africa's Largest Wind Farm

Harmony between wind and water boosts power production