Energy and Climate Change

Chamber Directs Attention to Energy Project Obstacles

Permitting and siting hurdles as well as activist groups have delayed several energy projects, says the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


Jackson Discusses American Clean Energy and Security Act

On April 22, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson spoke before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on the draft American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009.

New Mexico Laws Support Jobs, Renewable Energy

Gov. Bill Richardson approves the use of federal and state funds for training, among other things.

Campaign Educates Kids on Fighting Climate Change

EPA pushes Energy Star pledge to encourage the use of more efficient lighting and other products.

Calif. Utilities Provide Support to Retailers for Energy Star

PG&E and SMUD are involved in a program to encourage manufacturers and retailers to education, promote, and sell the most energy-efficient TVs, computers, and monitors.

NREL Assessment: More Consumers Choose Clean Power

A DOE laboratory says 850 utilities offer green power programs and sales of green power increased about 20 percent between 2007 and 2008.

EERC Foundation Moves on Hydrogen Fueling System Patent

Energy & Environmental Research Center has developed a system that produces high-pressure hydrogen on demand.

Foundation Funds Research on Cap-and-Trade Issues

More than $1.6 million has been awarded to Duke University, Resources for the Future, and the World Resources Institute to study designs for a cap-and-trade system.

EU Goal Will Raise Price of CO2 Allowances, Report Says

ICF International projects a seven-fold increase in the cost of allowances by 2020.

Maryland Launches Clean Energy Center

The state-supported facility will collect, analyze, and disseminate data to further the growth of the clean energy industry.

Green Invades Leased Spaces in Massachusetts

The Department of Environmental Protection has created guidelines for landlords submitting proposals related to the agency's offices, specifying energy management systems, water conservation, and commuting facilities.

Power Plant CO2 Drops 3.1 Percent in 2008, Report Says

A report from the Environmental Integrity Project shows a drop in power plant emissions but actually bucks recent trends.