Energy and Climate Change


Cape Wind Controversy

NIMBY expert sounds off, cites public safety.

$10-M Algae Fuel Prize Enters Due Diligence Phase

The proposed comeptition will try to spur development of radically advanced fuels from algae.

EDF Recognizes, Shares Winning Company Strategies

Models of innovation from successful companies are showcased in a new report from the Environmental Defense Fund.

PNNL Controller Provides Brains for Recharging Cars

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory developed a controller that automatically recharges electric vehicles when power demand and cost are low.

Study: Corn-based Biofuel Costs 50 Gallons of Water per Mile

Missouri University researcher analyzed the amount of water required to produce ethanol from a number of crops.

Pa. Seeks Comments on ARRA Grant Program

The Department of Environmental Protection is trying to determine if the public and local officials think the state is using its share of funding as effectively as possible.

Mass. Focuses on Efficiency and Renewable Power

Gov. Patrick has launched a Green Communities Program to help Massachusetts residents cut energy bills through efficiency and locally generated renewable power.

Southeast Positioned for Renewable Energy, WRI Report Says

Local renewable energy investments can meet more than 25 percent of future electricity needs in the Southeast by 2025.

EDF: Carbon Cap Not that Costly a Solution

EPA analysis says that the Waxman-Markey bill's cap on carbon pollution would cost individuals about 12 cents per day.

NYC Targets Buildings with $16 M in Stimulus Funding

Mayor Bloomberg's city has introduced the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan to improve the city's energy efficiency.

Conn. Seeks $38.5 M for Fuel Cells, Building Efficiency

Gov. Rell says his state has a plan that would use federal stimulus funds to expand fuel cell initiatives and support thermal and solar technologies.

The Green Build-out Begins

Spurred by the Obama administration's call to reduce the country's dependence on foreign oil by adopting alternative energy sources and increasing energy efficiency, green is rapidly becoming the color of choice across all facets of the federal contracting community.

Camelina-based Jet Fuel Reduces More CO2, Study Says

Sustainable Oils' analysis conducted at Michigan Tech University found an 84 percent reduction when compared to petroleum jet fuel.

Agency Honors RGGI States for Climate Protection

EPA gives the 10 states of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative a Climate Protection Award.

NPCA Gets Grant for National Parks-Climate Project

"Do Your Part" program educates people about the size of their carbon footprints.

GHG Calculator Designed for Fleet Managers

The Environmental Defense Fund and NAFA Fleet Management created the calculator as a first step in developing greener fleets.