Energy and Climate Change

Coolerado Corp. Wins Challenge with Low-cost HVAC

The Coolerado H-80 tests indicate almost 80 percent energy-use savings and over 60 percent peak-demand reduction.

UL Offers Certification for Dispensers of E25 Blends

At blends above E25, there is increased potential for different types of damage to materials and components and, as a result, there are more stringent requirements.

Detroit Edison Calls for Renewable Power Proposals

Detroit Edison is working toward compliance with the Michigan law that requires electric utilities to serve 10 percent of their retail sales using renewable energy resources by 2015.

Circle of Blue's Global Survey Spotlights Water

Water wins over air pollution, natural resources depletion, habitat loss, and climate change as the top environmental problem, according to a survey of 15 countries.

Brown's Bill Would Keep Clean Energy Jobs in U.S

U.S. manufacturers, distributors, labor unions, and clean energy producers endorse IMPACT, according to the Apollo Alliance.

Eaton to Work with SCAQMD to Deploy Hybrids

The South Coast Air Quality Management District and affiliates will deploy plug-in hybrid electric commercial vehicles to more than 50 utility and municipal fleets nationwide through a $45.4 million stimulus grant.

LiveFuels Accelerates Algae-to-Biofuels Project

Algal-Biofuel Company Leverages Ecosystem Science to Reduce Cost, Risk.

Engineering Societies Join Forces to Manage Emissions

Multi-discipline effort, funded by United Engineering Foundation, has developed scorecards to assess merits of various technologies, gaps in technology, and barriers to managing carbon emissions.

San Diego Area Applies for $260 M in Stimulus for Solar

A coalition of San Diego stakeholders, led by CleanTECH San Diego, is strategically positioning the region' municipalities to capture nearly $260 million in federal stimulus funds for renewable energy projects.

World Bank OKs Credit to Bangladesh for Solar Home Systems

About $130 million will be used to provide electricity to 300,000 households.

Ohio Edison Consents to Using Biomass, Not Coal

The Justice Department and EPA have brokered a deal that will cut sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide emissions from Edison's Burger Units 4 and 5 near Shadyside, Ohio.

DNV: GreenCert Complies with EU Rules when Customized

Det Norske Veritas' review shows that a properly customized GreenCert carbon information management solution will help coal-fired power plants meet EU trading system requirements.

OriginOil Extracts Algae Oil with Milking Process

The company's algae "milking" process promises new efficiencies as part of a combined production cycle, according to OriginOil.

The Case For Planetary Protectionism

Global compliance may become an issue of supply and demand.

$2.4 B in Stimulus Go to Battery, Electric Drive Parts

EPA administrator announces a $95 million grant to Saft America for a lithium-ion cell manufacturing plant.

EPRI Says Electricity Sector Could Reduce CO2 by 41%

The effort by electricity sector technologies would require sustained research, development and demonstration and aggressive deployment of the full portfolio.

New Reuse: Old Mine Shafts as Geothermal Energy Plants

Engineers consider closed down mine shafts as possible geothermal boilers.

Feds Offer ARRA Funds for Renewable Energy Facilities

The energy and treasury departments will accept applications for direct payments to companies that create and start up renewable energy facilities.

NRC Asks for Comments on License Renewal Terms

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission proposes to redefine the number and scope of environmental impact issues that facilities must address in a nuclear power plant license renewal review.