Energy and Climate Change

Large GHG Emitters Must Collect Data on Jan. 1

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson signed the Final Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule yesterday.

Case Study: That Mmm Mmm Good Feeling

As a Clean Air Act Title V facility, Campbell's Soup Company's Napoleon, Ohio, plant also must meet the requirements of Title VI, which cover the management of the refrigerants chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs).

Homeowners Should Inspect Heating Oil Tanks for Leaks

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection offers advice on how to manage home-based storage tanks.

Cornell Scientists Make Solar Cell from Carbon Nanotube

Researchers claim the light-to-electricity conversion is very efficient but scaling up the device would be challenging.

Population Shift Reduced Energy Demand, Study Says

A University of Michigan study found an 11 percent reduction in energy demand per person since 1960.

Heinz Awards $1 M for Environmental Achievements

Foundation focuses only on environment this year, with 10 recipients each receiving $100,000.

Global Solar Center: Lagging States Become Solar Leaders

The U.S. government has just changed its solar tax credit to a solar grant, funded by the federal stimulus bill. Additionally, hundreds of states and municipalities have launched their own incentives on top of this federal grant.

Global Green Cars to Build Electric Vehicles in Kentucky

Company plans to scale up to mass production in 2011.

Reader's Commentary

The alarmist comments presented in the following article from your newsletter are very irresponsible given recent information that has come to light regarding the fact that global cooling has actually taken place over the past ten years.

CDR, SRM Are Risky Plan Bs to Manage Warming, Report Says

If efforts to lower greenhouse gases are not successful, governments may turn to geoengineering techniques, which have not been studied or found to be effective at an affordable cost.

Trees Power Sensors in University of Washington Study

Tapping Bigleaf maples, which generate a steady voltage of up to a few hundred millivolts, University of Washington researchers developed a boost converter and used the stored power to operate low-power sensors.

Inland Waters Left Out of Carbon Mitigation Models

Scientists says carbon transfers between the land-freshwater boundary, the freshwater-atmosphere boundary, and regional boundaries within continents present opportunities and challenges for determining mitigation strategies.

DOE Awards PNNL $6.8 M for Marine, River Power Studies

Researchers will look into how fish and marine mammals are affected by water power devices and whether this power production could create "dead zones."