Energy and Climate Change

Argonne to Help Kentucky with Economics of Energy

The DOE's laboratory will use its modeling and simulation to support the state's energy policy and planning, which will include clean coal technology.

EPA Tells Congress Clean Diesel Program Works

The agency says the $50 million program last year enabled retrofits and purchases for 14,000 diesel-powered vehicles and pieces of equipment.

DOE Boosts Enforcement of Energy Efficiency Standards

New enforcement team, random reviews of compliance, and further guidance is expected to curb CO2 emissions.

clean coal

Clean Coal: What Works Now and Tomorrow

Circulating fluidized bed reactor technology has a place in meeting the goals of Obama's energy plan.

OriginOil, Idaho Lab Work on Commercial Algae Production

Senior scientist applauds collaboration leading to productivity model.

Energy, Water Top Projects in P3 Contest

EPA showcases projects from Humboldt State University, Pierce College, the University of California at Los Angeles and the University of California Riverside in annual People, Prosperity and the Planet competition.

Pilot Uses GIS, Software to Plan Efficient Routes

San Francisco GreenRoutes project to reduce fleet emissions using ArcLogistics and GIS solution.

Accountants Urge Investment in Environmental Matters

Position paper recommends that stakeholders in Copenhagen review the incentives provided by small and medium enterprise corporate taxation systems.

Board Adopts Protocols for Organic Waste, Coal Mine Methane

These types of projects will now be eligible to register with the Climate Action Reserve, providing more financial incentives to help mitigate climate change.

Energy Star Available for Glass, Food Processing Plants

Energy Performance Indicators will help companies assess their performance, set goals, and shift the energy performance of these industries, saving nearly $900 million in energy costs with just a 10 percent improvement over current levels.

Population Growth, Not Drought, to Blame for Southeast Woes

A Columbia University study said bad planning for a growing population is to blame for crop destruction, drained reservoirs, and legal claims during the 2005-2007 dry spell.

Flax Car is Fast, Runs on Chocolate and Animal Fats

U.K. researcher and team built a sustainable race car that will be tested Oct. 17.

MIT Analysis: Lower CO2 Now May Stem Catastrophe

Co-director Ron Prinn says we can stabilize climate if the United States and others would meet aggressive emissions targets.

4 Cogeneration Facilities Earn Energy Star Awards

EPA recognizes Calpine Corp., Mass. Corrections Department, Equity Office Properties and Patterson Farms.

Research Team to Study How Plants Make Hydrocarbon

An Iowa State led study team will try to uncover what structures, mechanisms and genetics are involved in the process plants use to store carbon and energy.

Experts Set Debate on Carbon Trading for U.S. Business

Will Congress get in step with Europe and pass a cap-and-trade law to stem greenhouse gases?