Energy and Climate Change

Murkowski to File Resolution Against EPA GHG Finding

Senator seeks "more responsible approaches to dealing with global climate change."

Simple Sensors Provide Data on Snowfall, Snowmelt

A University of Washington professor has refined temperature sensors to measure air temperature and gauge accuracy of current computer models.

Stanford Study Says Ethanol a Problem for Ozone, Health

E85 produces different combustion byproducts than gasoline in cold weather and generates more aldehydes, which are precursors to ozone.

13 Air Carriers Sign MOU with Rentech for Synfuel Supply

The memorandum of understanding sets up a framework for the future purchase of certified synthetic jet fuel from Rentech's Natchez Project.

South Carolina School Commits to Alternative Fuel Fleet

The University of South Carolina sets goal at 90 percent less CO2 from vehicles within 5 years.

Climate Panel Seeks Creation of Methane Fund

Group says methane emission reduction could be accomplished quickly because this type of warming lasts only 10 years.

Irvine, Calif., Schools Partner with Companies for Solar Project

SPG Solar will install solar energy systems on 21 of the Irvine United School District's buildings.

Bolivia Holds U.S. to 'Polluter Pays' Principle at Copenhagen

Bolivia ambassador, Pablo Solon: "Admitting responsibility for the climate crisis without taking necessary actions to address it is like someone burning your house and then refusing to pay for it."

Aussies Foot Bill for Accelerating Carbon Capture and Storage

The Global CCS Institute will support large-scale projects that have a great need and promise the greatest return, according to the group.

Washington to Streamline Natural Resources Program Delivery

Gov. Chris Gregoire is seeking legislation to lower the number of hearings and appeals boards, eliminate duplications, and standardize procedures for laws.

NatureServe Creates Climate Vulnerability Index for Plants, Animals

The science-based tool lets a user quickly assess the relative vulnerability of species to the effects of predicted climate change in a specific geographic area.

EDF Shares Best Practices of Carrier, Novo Nordisk and Poland Spring

Whether it is reducing weight, driving more efficiently, or using biofuels, corporate fleet owners can reduce their greenhouse cases, EDF says.

Tax on Carbon Emissions Could Fuel Cleaner Tech, MIT Researcher Says

Thomas Adams and Paul I. Barton have already applied for a patent on a novel configuration of natural gas, solid oxide fuel cells, and carbon capture and sequestration that would compete well in the power sector if the government placed a tax on carbon emissions.

Elevated CO2 Boosts Aspen Growth Rates by 50%, Study Says

University scientists in Wisconsin and Minnesota say aspens are already growing at accelerated rates in their natural environment.

California Sets Adaptation Strategy, Creating Panel, App

California's Climate Adaptation Strategy includes a final report, an advisory panel, and a Google Earth application to help business owners and residents prepare for climate change impacts and challenges.

Climate Change May Affect Mental Health, Doctors Say

King's College London doctors have researched the literature and found that climate change could negatively affect people with mental illness and increase the burden of mental disorder generally.

Jackson Says GHG Rules Will be Issued under CAA

EPA administrator emphasized that the finding of endangerment and possible climate change legislation are not either-or propositions.

NRDC, Alliance Offer New Yorkers Way to Tap Clean Energy

Green Power NYC allows small businesses and residents to select their clean power and energy provider online.

Energy Audits Can Help Homeowners Stay Warm this Winter

Electric rate cap rates are set to expire in Pennsylvania so homeowners may have more incentive to seal up energy issues and save.