Energy and Climate Change

Epicado: Google Penalizes UK Web Sites on 'Green' Servers

According to a Stroud, Glouchestershire, Web marketing company, Google's policy lowers search result rankings for sites hosted outside the United Kingdom.

Solar Company CEO: 10 Cents/kWh, Limits Holding U.S. Back

In the United States, we limit not just the price but also the amount of solar energy an owner can sell back to the grid.

Green Office Challenge Program Expanding

ICLEI developed a program that pits property managers and office tenants in a friendly competition to lower energy use and waste and save water.

GE Energy to Provide CEMS for Conectiv Plant

GE has received a contract to provide continuous emissions monitoring systems and data acquisition and handling systems for new, state-of-the-art power generating facility in Delta, Pa.

A&WMA Slates Conference for June in Calgary

The theme of year's Air & Waste Management Association conference is Energy and Environment.

From Sea to Shining Sea: The Work Done by ARRA Funding

EPA notes the anniversary of the legislation with projects funded in New York, Missouri, and California.

American Trim Receives Stimulus Funds to Install Efficient Line

A portion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding is to help companies improve the efficiency of manufacturing processes.

TMS to Work on Transformational Materials Opportunities

DOE commissions the Minerals Metals & Materials Society to study materials opportunities to meet U.S. energy goals.

Michael Kintner-Meyer, Rob Pratt, Tom Secrest, and Kevin Schneider

PNNL Report: Smart Grid Could Lower Emissions 12% by 2030

One Pacific Northwest National Laboratory researcher says the report has significant implications for public and private sector interests engaging in future research, financial and policy decisions in this area.

35 Midwest Communities Sign on for Lower Footprints

EPA Region 5 has increased membership in its Community Climate Change Initiative, which offers free resources to help communities address the issue.

EPA Orders Dolberry Energy to Cease Brine Discharges

Dallas, Texas, company has 30 days to comply and remove brine from the flow path to the tributary of Little Salt Creek.

Chevrolet Silverado B20

Automaker, RFS2 and Bus Fleet Commit to Biodiesel

Attendees at the 2010 National Biodiesel Conference got an earful of good news for the industry.

PPIC Showcases Leak Detection Technology for Nuclear Plants

Pressure Pipe Inspection Co. completes 100 power plant inspections and provides utilities with vital information about the condition of their water pipelines.

EPA Extends Emory River Closure to Mid-May

Agency and TVA have brought in large hydraulic dredge equipment to expedite ash removal.

New Energy Unveils 'Spraying' Solar Cells Technology

Company says researchers have developed a process for spraying solar cells onto glass windows to generate electricity.

Major, Regional CBM Gas Producers Are Using ARID System

Coal-bed methane natural gas producers are cutting their water handling costs by using the Aquifer Recharged Injection System, according to Big Cat Energy.

DOE Awards Conditional $22 M Grant to ClearFuels, Rentech

Companies are planning to construct a biomass gasifier that will work with Rentech's Product Demonstration Unit to produce renewable synthetic fuels from biomass.

Southern California Edison Pays Out $1 M for Education

Power company donates money to 10 California community colleges for green education and job training.