Energy and Climate Change

Feasibility Report Promising for Australian Seawater Pumped Hydro Project

"Pumped hydro has great potential to solve one of the most pressing energy issues we face – integrating intermittent renewable supply into the grid in a way that delivers reliable, affordable power," EnergyAustralia Managing Director Catherine Tanna said.

DOE Loan Guarantees Back Vogtle Completion

"Advanced nuclear energy projects like Vogtle are the kind of important energy infrastructure projects that support a reliable and resilient grid, promote economic growth, and strengthen our energy and national security," Energy Secretary Rick Perry said.

Hurricane Harvey Spurs Energy Shutdowns

Hurricane Harvey Spurs Energy Shutdowns

As Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath continue on a path of destruction, oil and gas companies located in the epicenter of Texas’ refining industry have been forced to halt operations.

Order Signed for Mexico's Largest Wind Park

"Mexico is undergoing a historical moment in its energy policy and we are extremely pleased to play an active role in this process. By building Mexico's largest wind park with Vestas' turbines, we are taking a bold step in the country's transition towards renewables," said Adrián Katzew, CEO of Zuma Energía.

Workers are expected to finish removing Ball State

Smokestacks Coming Down at Ball State University

The two stacks became obsolete after the Muncie, Ind., university switched to a closed-loop geothermal system and shut down its coal-fired boilers in 2014.

South Carolina Company Halts Nuclear Project

The board of directors at Santee Cooper on July 31 suspended construction work on Units 2 and 3 at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station in Jenkinsville, S.C. -- a decision the company reports will save is customers nearly $7 billion.

The $440 million rebuild of the Moses-Adirondack transmission artery includes replacing 78 of the 86 miles on each of two transmission lines that were originally constructed by the federal government in 1942 and acquired by the New York Power Authority in 1953.

NY to Rebuild 78 Miles of Power Transmission Infrastructure

This will modernizes the electric power grid and help to meet Gov. Cuomo's Clean Energy Standard of 50 percent renewable electricity by 2030.

DOE Completes Evaluation of Hanford's Tunnel 2, Finds 'High' Risk of Collapse

The two PUREX storage tunnels hold mixed radioactive and chemical waste. A section of Tunnel 1 collapsed May 9, and state authorities then ordered DOE and CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company to immediately assess the integrity of both.

Canadian Government Approves Lake Erie Connector Project

The proposed 73-mile HVDC bi-directional transmission line between stations in Erie, Pa. and Nanticoke, Ontario, received a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of Energy in January 2017.

Nuclear Technology Receives Large Funding Increase

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will be awarding nearly $67 million in nuclear energy research, development, facility access, as well as infrastructure projects.

EIA Meeting to Examine Future of U.S. Nuclear Power

The 2017 EIA Energy Conference taking place June 26-27 will include a session on the future of nuclear power, examining the competitive challenges facing existing plants and the options available to plant owners and regulators.

Canada Renews Western Waste Management Facility Operating License

The renewed license authorizes construction of new facilities, including storage buildings for low- and intermediate-level waste, in‑ground storage containers for intermediate-level waste, in-ground containers for heat exchangers, and storage buildings for used dry nuclear fuel.

Three Mile Island Plant May Close in 2019

Exelon Corporation's announcement said it is taking several "first steps" to shut down the nuclear power plant, even as the company explained what kind of relief it needs to keep the plant in operation.

Swiss Voters Back Phaseout of Nuclear Power

They endorsed a new energy law that bans new nuclear power plants, supports renewable energy sources, and seeks to encourage lower energy consumption. The vote was 58 percent in favor.

Tesla Solar Roof Tiles Available for Pre-Order

Tesla Solar Roof Tiles Available for Pre-Order

Tesla’s new stylish and modern solar roof tiles are ready to be ordered as of Wednesday, May 10.

DOE Approves Sabine Pass LNG Export Bid

Golden Pass Products LLC, co-owned by Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil, is now authorized to export LNG up to the equivalent of 2.21 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas to any non-FTA country not prohibited by U.S. law or policy from a terminal near Sabine Pass, Texas.

DOE Announces More Small Business Collaborations

The new collaborations are focused on advanced manufacturing, buildings, bioenergy, solar, fuel cells, geothermal, vehicles, water, and wind energy.

Seattle Transit Agency Signs On for Clean Power

"By operating Link light rail on green power starting in 2019, Sound Transit will offer transit users a carbon-neutral option for leaving their cars behind and help reduce the region's greenhouse gas emissions," said Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff.

NRC Vacancies Concern House Members

"Absent a nomination and confirmation of additional commissioners, the Commission will lack a quorum on July 1 when Chairman Svinicki's current term expires. This situation could severely inhibit the NRC's ability to execute its vital responsibility and hamper the nuclear industry," three leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee wrote in a letter to the president.