Energy and Climate Change

11 Small Companies Get Phase 2 Funding for Technologies

EPA awards nearly $2.5 million for the commercialization of ingenious technologies through the Small Business Innovation Research program.

WERF Wants to Help Small Plants Overcome Biogas Barriers

The Water Environment Research Foundation has issued a request for proposals on research related to strategies for biogas production; proposals are due June 7.

HDR Recognized for Work on Gills Onions Project

The American Council of Engineering Companies presents the Grand Conceptor Award to HDR for waste-to-energy project.

Poll Shows Some Americans Plan to Drive Less after BP Oil Spill

The Shelton Group surveyed 1,312 consumers, and about 13 percent said they will stop buying BP gas.

Five Manufacturers Already Met Energy Star Challenge Goal

Kodak, Shearer's Foods, Detroit Diesel, John B. Sanfilippo & Son, and FetterGroup reduced their energy intensity by 10 percent or more in two years or less.

Gas Shales Summit to Screen 'Haynesville' Documentary

The summit will offer a forum for industry and environmental groups to discuss the issues surrounding the development of gas shales.

Austin Energy Sold Most Green Power in 2009, NREL Says

The annual assessment of leading utility green power programs shows that more consumers are choosing clean energy, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory said.

Barcelona Tests BSSCO Power Distribution Cables

Project reports that superconductor technology would reduce energy loss and lower emissions in Spanish electricity system.

EDS with bins

Case Study: Dry Scrubber Lowers Energy Costs for Spray Booth

Volkswagen's Chattanooga facility will debut North America's first EcoDryScrubber to lower CO2 and NOx emissions, energy costs, and water usage.

States, Utilities Tap into Building Performance with Energy Star

The program will help organizations increase energy savings by pursuing whole building improvements with their business customers.

Wind Energy Installations Down, Lowest Since 2007

American Wind Energy Association calls for strong renewable electricity standard.

Waterkeepers Want Feds to Contain Gulf Spill, Step Up Oversight

Environmental organization braces for Gulf disaster impact on fragile coastal ecosystems and fisheries.

Grand Jury Indicts Ship Management Company, 2 Employees

The Department of Justice said the charges include environmental crimes, obstruction, false statements, and conspiracy related to pollution control records.


10 Sustainability Drivers over the Last 40 Years

From the first Earth Day to the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore, Stantec professionals outline the movement's progress.

Agencies Seek Nominations for Green Power Leader Awards

EPA, DOE, and the Center for Resource Solutions are sponsoring competitive awards that recognize commitment and achievements in green power.

Iowa State Study: Less Fossil Energy May Require More Labor

The researchers compared energy use of a conventionally managed corn and soybean system with two low-input systems that used more diverse crops and manure applications.

TCEQ Has Grants for Alternative Fuel and Hybrid Vehicles

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has $12 million in grants available; the deadline for application is June 30.

truck fumes

Maryland Professor to Study Soot Chemistry

Research by National Science Foundation award winner Peter Sunderland may help engine designers improve the way fuel is injected and burned.

UMass Study Sorts Protons Faster to Improve Hydrogen Fuel Cells

By combining conducting and nonconducting domains in the membrane’s nanostructured assembly, researchers improved conductivity performance.

BP Promises 'Major Protection and Cleaning Effort' Onshore

Oil from the offshore well reached Louisiana coastal areas today. The state's governor, Bobby Jindal, declared a state of emergency on Thursday and asked the Defense Department to send up to 6,000 troops to aid in the cleanup.