Energy and Climate Change

Maine DEP Ships Boom to Help BP Contain Spill

State also has trained responders ready if the affected states should ask for assistance.

Geographically Weighted Regression Predicts Carbon Sinks

New estimating method, which can be used on the regional scale, compares well with commonly used methods, according to study.

Pike Research: 4.7 M Electric Car Charge Points by 2015

Government initiatives could bring that estimate higher, the firm suggests.

EPA Honors Coachella Valley Transit, Santa Barbara for Air Initiatives

In all, 14 organizations and one individual were awarded Clean Air Excellence Awards.

CEE, WEF Offer Energy Efficiency RFP Guidance

The organizations say the new guidance can be used to simplify and streamline the request for proposal process.

Microbial Electrosynthesis Turns Solar Energy into Chemicals

The University of Massachusetts Amherst research team says the technique readily stores solar power with existing infrastructure.

Checking In? Then Check Out Energy Star Hotels this Summer

EPA lists those hotels that have earned the Energy Star label on a government Website.

TCEQ: Air Monitors Show No Levels of Concern in Barnett Shale Area

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality says it will continue to monitor air quality in the area so that longer term data will be available to make even more informed conclusions.

Bipartisan Electric Vehicle Bill Would Aid Buyers, Infrastructure

Five lucky communities would share $800 million to deploy 700,000 electric vehicles within six years.

NOAA Assists Effort to Decontaminate Commercial Ships from BP Oil Spill

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration contracted C&C Technologies to conduct a magnetometer survey of a proposed alternate anchorage site near the mouth of the Mississippi River, where ships can wait until their hulls are inspected.

Wind Industry Wants a Long-term Commitment

American Wind Energy Association conference presenters say the industry needs a renewable electricity standard and more incentives from the government to prosper.

Texas Tech Forms National Institute for Renewable Energy

The institute will work to solve key scientific and technology challenges facing the wind power industry.

Kennedy Calls for Investments in Clean Energy

Speaking at AIHce in Denver, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said owners of small wind and solar farms should be able to transmit their energy to the national grid.

modified biogas digester

Building a Sustainable Biogas System in Kenya

A University of Virginia doctoral candidate and an engineer use capacity factor analysis to determine the best way to implement a biogas cooking fuel system in Namawanga, Kenya.

NREL: Power Grid Can Accommodate Increase in Wind, Solar Generation

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory study calls for increased coordination over wider areas and more frequent scheduling.

Regional Climate Initiatives Share Cap and Trade Know-How

RGGI, the Accord, and WCI outline their vision of key design and implementation criteria necessary to establish a high-quality offset program.

New Water Purifier Runs on Solar

Inventors suggest The HYDRA will be an asset to medical clinics, schools, remote communities, and disaster relief agencies.

ABCE: 6,000 Companies Demand Leadership on Climate-Energy Bills

American Businesses for Clean Energy and We Can Lead claim that the numbers for pro-climate change legislative action are significant.