Energy and Climate Change

Home Energy Monitors May Not Sustain Savings Over Time

Delft University of Technology researchers conducted a literature review and examined the effectiveness of home energy management systems for more than four months.

SEPTA to Deploy Smart Electrical Grid Technology Project

Viridity Energy will deploy its software optimization system to allow SEPTA to recycle the energy created from the regenerative braking ability of trains and trolleys at a high use propulsion substation in Philadelphia, which will in turn improve power quality, produce energy savings and generate revenues.

Gilbert Highliands renovation used stimulus funding to make the property more energy efficient.

Renovation Complete, Stimulus-funded Development Reopens in Maryland

Montgomery Housing Partnership transformed a 57-year-old building into a modern, more efficient and affordable complex.

EPA Asks 9 Hydraulic Fracturing Services for Chemical, Process Data

The agency is "drilling down to bedrock" to uncover the impact of the process on drinking water sources.

EPA Schedules GHG Permit Hearing for Tuesday

With just a few days' notice, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency set a public hearing on its temporary permitting plan, which will be used for large greenhouse gas emitters in states that aren't ready to manage the process.

Change the World Challenge Includes High School Students

Students will be judged on both their ability to create a positive, measurable solution to a local sustainability issue or challenge using scientific methodology and their ability to explain how the solution can be replicated by other communities.

More home-brewed solar energy systems may be closer to reality.

MIT Scientist Says New Catalyst May Speed Development of Personal Power

The catalyst has been licensed to Sun Catalytix, which envisions developing safe, super-efficient versions of the electrolyzer, suitable for homes and small businesses, within two years.

Innovative State Policy for Energy Efficiency Creates Jobs Investments

A new report from the Center for American Progress and EnergyRM indicates that a robust program of smart policy incentives and investments could make a big difference for businesses looking to invest in the growth of clean energy jobs.

GE, NRMRL to Develop Platform for Water Distribution

In a cooperative research and development agreement, the team will try to increase the effectiveness of the municipal drinking water distribution network for delivery of better quality water while using less energy.

Infrared Drying Could Save Energy for Pulp and Paper Industry

Students from Saint Martin's University found that less heat is lost using flat ceramic infrared electric emitters in research supported by Puget Sound Energy.

Parts of Texas' Air Permitting Program Not Up to Code, EPA Says

In one example, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality did not allow adequate review of impacts on total air pollution levels should changes in the Pollution Control Project Standard Permit be approved, the federal agency reported.

New Fuel Economy Labels to Take GHG Emissions into Account

The Department of Transportation and EPA are offering two proposals for public comment: a letter grade to communicate a vehicle’s overall fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions performance or a label similar to the current one that uses miles per gallon but adds comparison data on fuel economy and emissions.

Neighborhood design

A 'Prefurbia' Development Solution

In a multi-part series of articles, Rick Harrison, president of Rick Harrison Site Design Studio, will explain some of the problems in land development today and how innovative methods collectively known as "Prefurbia" can help to overcome them.

Emory River Opens for Recreation as Coal Ash Cleanup Continues

Federal and Tennessee agencies have determined that any coal ash remaining in the river presents minimal health risks to recreational users.

surburban sprawl

Commentary: Opportunities for Rebuilding New Orleans

Patrick Phillips, chief executive officer of the Urban Land Institute, notes progress but cautions against suburban sprawl.

Arch Coal Selects Enviance to Manage Environmental Data, Performance

CH2M Hill to implement the technology for the second largest U.S. coal producer.

Biden Highlights Energy, Smart Grid in ARRA Analysis

More than $100 billion from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has been offered to innovative and transformative program investments, including some in the transportation, renewable energy and smart grid sectors.

Georgia Tech researcher Carson Meredith with sorption measurement system

Georgia Tech Scientists to Test Hollow Fibers for Carbon Capture

Two different studies are using hollow fiber technology to test the removal of carbon dioxide from the flue gases of coal power plants.