Energy and Climate Change

Most Americans Improving Energy Efficiency at Home

While oil prices rise in response to unrest in oil producing nations and increased demand from growing nations, Americans continue to discuss and consider alternative energy options and lifestyle changes amidst a slow economic recovery.

Survey: Americans Want to Hit The Brakes on More Nuclear Power

More than half of U.S. adults now back moratorium on new reactors.

Los Alamos, Alabama Discovery Regenerates Hydrogen Fuel

Using ammonia borane, researchers were able to reuse "spent fuel" for possible application in storing hydrogen on vehicles.

Japan Worst-case Scenario Unlikely to Cause Catastrophic Radiation Release (With Video)

While exposed spent fuel rods at the failing nuclear reactors in Japan pose new threats, the worst-case scenario would still be unlikely to expose the public to catastrophic amounts of radiation, says a nuclear engineering professor and expert on this particular kind of reactor.

Commercial Building Owners Need Access to Financing for Energy Savings Projects

C. David Myers, president of Johnson Controls Building Efficiency, told state leaders that building efficiency projects, which provide guaranteed energy and budget savings, can be achieved with no upfront cost to a government facility.

$2.6M in Stimulus to Fund Solar Farm for Conservation School

New Jersey School of Conservation will install a 300,000-watt solar array to power the school and lower its carbon footprint.

New Jersey to Join Spent Nuclear Fuel Rule Lawsuit

Three other states already have filed against the Nuclear Regulatory Agency for its 60-year storage standard.

Energy Safety, Security Under the Spotlight as Gas Leaders Debate Future

As the unfolding crisis in Japan raises debates about the future for nuclear power and as Middle Eastern political unrest destabilises petroleum markets, the energy industry faces many considerable challenges as it heads to a flagship industry gathering.

Battelle researchers have found a way to reduce the heat needed to sweeten natural gas at rigs like this one in Euless, Texas. Steve Reisman photo.

Antisolvent Swing Generation Could Sweeten Natural Gas, Costs

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory researchers have discovered a method that uses less energy to remove hydrogen sulfide from "sour" natural gas reserves.

Nissan Lithium Forklift. Source: Nissan

Material Handling Vehicles Boost Electric Market

Hyundai, Nissan, and Toyota use their electric vehicle purchasing power and experience in more than cars.

Consol Energy to Pay $5.5M Penalty, $200M for Wastewater Controls

Using reverse osmosis technology, the underground coal mining company will build an advanced water treatment plant to remove chloride.

Black Dog plant. Image courtesy Xcel Energy.

Xcel Energy Plans to Repower Black Dog Plant

Coal-fired units would be replaced with natural gas-fired units at the Burnsville, Minn., facility.

EPA Statement on Air Monitoring Effort

EPA does not expect to see radiation at harmful levels reaching the U.S. from damaged Japanese nuclear power plants.

EPA Proposes First Mercury Pollution Standard on Power Plants

The rule reportedly eliminates 20 years of uncertainty related to emissions of mercury, arsenic, chromium, nickel and acid gas emissions.

Nuclear Safety Concerns Spur European Power Price Spikes

Prices on Europe's largest power market spiked violently on Tuesday morning in response to 25 percent of Germany's nuclear capacity coming off line.

United States Sends Additional Experts to Assist Japan

The NRC has sent 11 additional experts to Tokyo to provide assistance as requested by the Japanese government.

NRC Analysis Continues to Support Japan's Protective Actions

NRC analysts overnight continued their review of radiation data related to the damaged Japanese nuclear reactors.

Coal-fired Generators Will Complete 340 Projects in 2011

McIlvaine estimates the investment in clean air technology will be more than $21 billion.

Auto Body Repair Shop Sues Kinder Morgan for Soil Contamination

Lawyers for the plaintiffs are seeking cleanup of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes on property that formerly provided petroleum storage in above-ground tanks, most recently by Kinder Morgan.

Energy Star Cement Plant Shares Efficiency Secrets

The Roanoke Cement plant conducts energy audits for its business partners to help them take advantage of cost savings