Energy and Climate Change

Redox Flow, Sodium-ion Batteries Show Promise for Green Grid

Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have analyzed the literature and determined that the outlook is bright for developing stationary energy storage technologies for the new electric grid.

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

Edison to Propose Seismic Studies for San Onofre Station

The studies would include a tsunami hazard analysis as well as reprocessing and reanalyzing existing data using more modern digital and numerical computer processes.

Fridge Icemakers Devour Kilowatts: NIST

The amount of energy they use and what most of that energy is not used for are surprising. Refrigerators account for 8 percent of total energy use by 111 million U.S. households, according to DOE, which helped to fund this research.

CAA Settlement Requires TVA to Invest Up to $5.3B

EPA says state-of-the-art pollution controls and clean energy technology in many of the corporate agency's coal-fired power plants should provide up to $27 billion in annual health benefits.

First Company to Track, Rate Energy Efficiency of NYC Residential Buildings

The first of its kind, this initiative comprehensively monitors and analyzes energy consumption in residential cooperative and condominium high rise buildings, enabling owners and associations to quickly see how efficient their building is compared to others.

LANL Improves Path to Producing Uranium Compounds

Starting materials developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory may be candidates for advanced nuclear fuels.

Algae Could Replace 17 Percent of U.S. Oil Imports (With Video)

High oil prices and environmental and economic security concerns have triggered interest in using algae-derived oils as an alternative to fossil fuels. But growing algae – or any other biofuel source – can require a lot of water.

State Grant to Fund Turbine Installation at UNT Stadium

Community-scale turbines should be installed on the campus by the end of 2011.

Villanova Students Develop a 'Greener' Soap

Using glycerol from a used cooking oil-to-biodiesel fuel conversion, engineering students developed a soap that is used to clean campus lab equipment and wash hands.

EPA Funds Reduced 16% in Budget Compromise

Lawmakers have delineated cuts in environmental and energy initiatives across the board in their latest budget proposal.

Mass-scale Algae Biodiesel Production Defies Physics, Study Says

Kansas State University researchers applied a carbon mass balance and found that the current algae diesel system will not eliminate U.S. dependence on petroleum diesel.

3M to Expand Manufacturing in China for Solar Markets

The company will produce various products, including an advanced solar backside barrier film, in its ninth facility in China.

Russell City Energy Center to Use ZLD Technology

GE's zero liquid discharge wastewater recycling system will be installed at the first U.S. power plant to be built with stricter federal, state emissions limits.

Benefits Top Costs in EPRI Smart Grid Analysis

The project team analyzed projected costs over the next 20 years, looking at core smart grid technologies in transmission, substation, distribution, and customer interface.

GSGF Calls for Stronger Smart Grid Policy

The Global Smart Grid Federation endorses the International Energy Agency's global smart grid roadmap and increased collaboration between governments and the private sector at Clean Energy Ministerial.

GE White Paper Claims 5% of World's Natural Gas Is Wasted

The company's study suggests that technologies, such as re-injection or pipeline development, exist to capture and use the gas instead of flaring it into the atmosphere.

Sunoco Tops List of Greenest Overall Oil Company

Greenopia, an online directory for green, sustainable, and socially conscious purchase decisions, has updated its oil company sustainability guide.

New Energy, NREL Sign CRADA to Develop SolarWindow

The technology uses electricity-generating coatings that are "sprayed" on glass surfaces; the solar coatings are less than 1/10th the thickness of "thin" films and make use of the world’s smallest functional solar cells.

U.S. Automakers to Win Profits under Higher Mileage Standards

Two reports from Citi and Ceres predict U.S. car manufacturers will see greater sales than their global competitors.

Kurion Offers Ion Specific Media for Fukushima Plant Cleanup

The product, based on materials used to clean up Three Mile Island's nuclear disaster, reportedly removes radioactive isotopes from aqueous solutions.