Energy and Climate Change

Easier Public Access to State Energy Data

By updating their online services, EIA has expanding their API on order to make public access easier to accomplish for state energy data.

Japanese Wind Sector Growing Fast

Partly because fears about nuclear power persist and thanks to government support, the sector will grow strongly this year, Frost & Sullivan predicts.

How to Make the Nordic Region Carbon-Neutral

The IEA has started a new regional technology study that helps determine the best way to make the Nordic region carbon-neutral by 2050. According to the research, around 3,000 offshore wind turbines will need to be in use in the region in order for success.

The 2008 spill of 5.4 million cubic yards of fly ash, a byproduct of the Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston Fossil coal-fired electricity generating plant, destroyed homes and filled streams and valleys.

Proving Damages for 2008 Coal Ash Spill a Steep Obstacle

After Tennessee Valley Authority was found liable for a massive coal ash spill, landowners this year will have to hire their own attorneys to press their individual claims. The larger question is whether facilities like the Kingston plant, with their inherent dangers to climate, waterways, and communities, are part of our continuing energy future.

A New Partnership to Battle Environmental Concerns

Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA), a non-profit humanitarian organization, and MWH Global, a strategic consulting, technical engineering and construction services firm leading the wet infrastructure sector, launched a new partnership to improve the lives of people around the world.

Peel-and-Stick Solar Cells Available in Near Future

The NREL and Stanford are teaming up to develop peel-and-stick solar cells, which could become devices to charge battery operated products, such as cell phones, in the future.

A New Tool to Calculate Renewable Energy

Cranfield University has developed a new approach for calculating the potential renewable energy acquired from waste material, before incineration, which could save time and money for the energy and waste industries.

NREL to Help Create Liquid Diesel from Methane

An advanced research project could help lead to lower greenhouse emission and create a new life for spent gas and oil wells.

Shell's Rig Move Timed to Avoid State Tax

The Kulluk drillship remained aground Jan. 5 on the southeast shoreline of Sitkalidak Island, Alaska, upright and stable, and Shell has received a state permit to move it, the Unified Command reported.

Battle Medialab Gains Ecosphere Technologies Account

Battle Medialab has announced the addition of Ecosphere Technologies, Inc. to its client list.

Housing Authority Signs Energy Performance Contract with Ameresco

Ameresco has signed a second energy performance contract with the Fall River Housing Authority to upgrade their energy infrastructure.

DEP to Reveal Interactive Exhibit at 2013 Farm Show

Pennsylvania’s DEP will be introducing a new “DEP at Home” exhibit at the 97th Pennsylvania Farm Show in the Main Hall of the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Expo Center in Harrisburg from Jan. 5 to 12.

Coal and Natural Gas Use Still Rising

According to a recent study conducted by the Worldwatch Institute for its Vital Signs Online service, oil is still the leading energy source around the globe but the use of coal and natural gas continues to grow in significance.

BSEE Safety Panel Meeting Next Week

This will be the sixth meeting of the year-old Ocean Energy Safety Advisory Committee. BSEE also is accepting proposals for oil spill response research projects.

21 MW Maui Wind Farm Goes Online

Ten thousand typical homes on the island can be powered by the eight wind turbines installed on a ridge of the Haleakala volcano.

This screen shot comes from a Dow Chemical video explaining how Omega-9 Oils have helped eliminate more than a billion pounds of bad fats from the diet of people living in North America. Dow announced June 25, 2012, that Omega-9 Oils are its first Breakthrough to World Challenges, addressing a 2015 goal in the area of health.

Sustainability Driving Dow Chemical's Transformation

The business case for it is stronger than ever, said Dow's vice president of sustainability and EH&S, Neil C. Hawkins.

Maine DEP to Hold Public Hearing on Mountain Wind Project

The Maine DEP will be holding a public hearing within the next few months, regarding the proposal on a wind project by Champlain Wind. The department will also be accepting petitions for the intervener’s status in that hearing process through Jan. 7, 2013.

California Posts 'Discussion Draft' Fracking Regs

The state's Department of Conservation says the draft does not begin a formal rulemaking process. It would require "rigorous" testing before, during, and after fracking operations that exceed what other states have implemented.

New Data Showing Ample and Affordable Shale Gas and Unconventional Oil

The ACC has announced the release of the IHS Global Insight study, which has found that state economies across the nation will have access to ample and affordable supplies of shale gas and unconventional oil.

Commercial Operations Begin at Palouse Wind Project

First Wind and Avista have begun commercial operations at the Palouse Wind Project in Eastern Washington. First Wind will also complete $50 million tax equity financing with Cook Inlet Region, Inc. for the 105 MW wind project.