Electric Vehicles

Most U.S. Consumers Want to Buy an Electric Vehicle

Plug-in electric vehicles may just be entering the market, but most U.S. consumers are ready to buy them.


Texas Energy Co. Launches Emissions-Free Wind Power Product for EV Chargers

Green Mountain Energy Co. has launched a widely available, emissions-free Texas wind-powered product designed for drivers of plug-in electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.

More Evidence Suggests Electric Cars Need Nighttime Charging

Researchers in America have shown that ozone can be reduced, on average, when electric vehicle charging is done at night time.

Philippines Rolls Out Electric Tricycles (With Video)

Philippines mark an important first step towards a sustainable, energy-efficient transport model with electric tricycles.

Future Promises Cordless Charging of Electric Vehicles

Developed in cooperation with BMW, this non-contact technology also works if drivers only make a short stop to recharge.

Siemens Launches Fast-charging Station for Electric Vehicles

Siemens has launched a new electric-vehicle charging station on the market that can fully recharge a battery within one hour. By doubling the output to 22 kilowatts, the charging station cuts charging times in half.

U.S. Automakers to Win Profits under Higher Mileage Standards

Two reports from Citi and Ceres predict U.S. car manufacturers will see greater sales than their global competitors.

Carnegie Mellon To Help Convert Cars From Gas to Electric (With Video)

With the ChargeCar Project, Carnegie Mellon intends to show that gas-powered cars can be converted successfully into electrically powered commuter vehicles and to develop a network of local mechanics who can perform these conversions.

Los Alamos, Alabama Discovery Regenerates Hydrogen Fuel

Using ammonia borane, researchers were able to reuse "spent fuel" for possible application in storing hydrogen on vehicles.

Nissan Lithium Forklift. Source: Nissan

Material Handling Vehicles Boost Electric Market

Hyundai, Nissan, and Toyota use their electric vehicle purchasing power and experience in more than cars.

Ford Empowers EcoDrivers to Maximize Their Own Fuel Efficiency

Ford's eco-friendly driving technologies coach drivers to more fuel-efficient driving habits, using real-time feedback and rewards.

Valence Technology Batteries to Power Courb Vehicle

The C-ZEN, powered by lithium phosphate batteries, has a range of 125 miles and a top speed of 68 mph.

Segway Touring Moves into Golden Gate Park

An electric tour company now offers an historical tour of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.

Gasoline Panic 2011: Hybrid/Electric Vehicles Not the Answer

As the price for a gallon of gasoline creeps over $4.00/gallon – and shows no sign of slowing – many drivers are wondering if they should trade in their gas guzzler for something more fuel efficient, such as a hybrid or electric vehicle. According to the editors at Cars.com, the answer is most often "No."

AAA Announces Its Latest Top Picks for New Vehicle Technology

AAA released its biennial list of top picks for new vehicle technology. Developed by automotive experts at the nation's largest motor club, the list features a variety of interesting vehicle technologies intended to improve safety, increase performance and reduce the environmental impact of some of the newest models on the market.

Clean Fuel Worsens Climate Impacts for Some Vehicle Engines

A pioneering program by one of the world's largest cities to switch its vehicle fleet to clean fuel has not significantly improved harmful vehicle emissions in more than 5,000 vehicles – and worsened some vehicles' climate impacts.

Retired Oil Executive Gets Charged Up by Chevy Volt

James Brazell spent 40 years working for Texaco, ultimately retiring from the oil company as the coordinator of its worldwide exploration and production activities. So what is he doing driving a Crystal Red Chevrolet Volt electric car?

Hybrid Vehicles Reduce Tailpipe Emissions While Maintaining Fuel Economy

The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory recently completed a year-long technology evaluation of gasoline hybrid electric trucks compared with conventional diesel vehicles.

Kia Motors Intends to Join the Clean Energy Partnership

Kia Motor Corp. has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with members of the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) to help promote Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) and showcase the company's competitiveness in eco-friendly vehicles. The initial agreement was signed yesterday in Seoul, attended by Dr. Hyun Soon Lee, Vice Chairman and head of Hyundai-Kia R&D; Dr. Klaus Bonhoff, Managing Director of NOW GmbH (National Organization of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology); Patrick Schnell, Chairman of the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) and other CEP members. As part of its global activities to prepare commercialization of fuel cell vehicles, Kia intends to join the Clean Energy Partnership in 2011. The parties agreed to negotiate respective terms for participation.

Two new electric bikes are being offered in the United States.

2 Stealth Electric Bikes Now Available to US Riders

The company now offers its most popular high-performance electric bikes: The Fighter and the Bomber.