CE2 Carbon Capital and Dogwood Carbon Solutions' ‘Red Fern’ project to help private landowners monetize and conserve forestry assets.
Rodney O. Corr discharged fill material into approximately 14 acres of wetlands to clear a site for commercial development without applying for a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit.
Nearly 29,000 acres in Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front is being returned to the Bureau of Land Management.
EPA has set a timetable to deliver ruelmakings on offsets, confined animal feeding operations, and stormwater to strengthen controls on major sources of pollutants to the bay.
A Temple University professor found that the nutrient concentration in the beaches was 10 times lower than what is required for optimal aerobic biodegradation of oil.
The Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Ecosystems Science Research Facility, a multi-disciplinary center will address national and international priorities.
Communities implementing Keep America Beautiful's prevention program have averaged a 48 percent reduction in cigarette litter.
Michael and Richard Gard of Professional Home Design have expressed their intent to restore Wind River wetlands near Dubois to their pre-impact condition and grade.
EPA continues to support beach water quality monitoring under the Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act.
Resource Environmental Solutions says oil and gas companies and developers who impact wetlands in Louisiana can offset their impacts by purchasing credits.
University of Georgia researchers found that, among other things, restoring natural water flows can change the vegetation and negatively affect animals.
Because freshwater mussels are more sensitive to ammonia than currently understood, EPA has proposed a revision to its criteria dataset.
The $5.5 million will enable the institute and its partners to continue work in western Tanzania for endangered species, including chimpanzees.
The U.S. Geological Survey says information about copper, lithium, rare earth elements, uranium, and phosphate resources is important for security and land-use decisions.
Agency estimates the cost of standards will about equal their benefits, depending on the final standard adopted.
- By L.K. Williams, EPonline
Using the Baylor Experimental Aquatic Research stream facility, researchers found that concentrations above 20 parts per billion resulted in more algae growth and lower dissolved oxygen.
Data from a University of Wisconsin-Madison study found that 940,000 housing units were built between 1940 and 2000 in private land inside the boundaries of national forests.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will provide $19 million in grants through the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation program that will be matched by nearly $26 million in partner contributions.
On Jan. 5, EPA will present a Webcast on the draft findings of the National Lakes Assessment.
An Inslee-Markey resolution would call on the United States to adopt policies and support international agreements to address ocean acidification.