The Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division is requesting statements of qualifications for environmental regulatory compliance contracts by April 21.
The Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration will clean the hulls and remove flaking paint on 20 of the ships to be recycled before September, 2012.
An environmental journalist makes a UNEP-sponsored field visit to Mariakani to see first hand how scarce fresh water is and how that affects the people of the village.
Comments may be made through May 21.
Using market-based conservation, the Fort Hood Recovery Credit System pays private landowners for recovery actions because its base is home to the largest known population of the endangered birds.
The reuse of horse manure to generate electricity is expected to substantially offset electric charges incurred.
The agency says the project would bury more than 7 miles of headwater streams, impact 2,278 acres of forestland, and degrade stream water quality
Warming conditions shift a coral's predominantly beneficial bacteria to pathogens, according to Cornell researchers who developed the mathematical models.
Selectively burning underbrush and small trees can lower the chances of high severity wildfires that affect large trees and release more carbon dioxide, according to Christine Wiedinmyer with the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
The boost to the Water and Development Alliance will support eight new multi-year programs in Africa.
South Dakota State University is trying to determine if the cup plant can be grown on land unfit for crops.
However, the justification is not as clear for the basis for specific environmental triggers that indicate when water diversions should be reduced.
The Mobile Bay National Estuary Program has contracted with Gresham, Smith and Partners to facilitate a coalition to address watershed management issues in Baldwin County, Ala.
Groups and individuals were chosen for outstanding achievement in boosting awareness of water quality issues.
Until its April conference, EPA is seeking ideas about how to restore the nation's waters and create sustainable communities.
Under the Lacey Act, pythons and anacondas could be designated as "injurious" and their importation would be prohibited.
ORSANCO survey shows millions of people use the Ohio River for direct contact and indirect contact recreation as well as fish consumption, which would be negatively affected by a wet weather standard.
The agency will use up to $16 million to reduce threats to the birds, including disease and invasive species and habitat improvement.
The Great Lakes Alliance report explores emerging threat and possible solutions.