Water and air associations join forces to present March conference in Charlotte, N.C.
The memorandum of understanding sets up a framework for the future purchase of certified synthetic jet fuel from Rentech's Natchez Project.
TUM researchers say they have reduced pollutants in diesel exhaust emissions to barely measurable levels.
Specific hydrochlorofluorocarbons cannot be used in new air conditioning and refrigeration equipment nor can they be sold, distributed or imported in 2010.
Acid rain cap-and-trade program helps plants beat 2010 sulfur dioxide emissions targets early.
Computer scientists, with a $1.5 million grant, hope to develop a network of sensors that detect air pollution hot spots indoors and out.
The TRI database contains information on chemical releases into the air, land and water, as well as waste management and pollution prevention activities.
EPA administrator emphasized that the finding of endangerment and possible climate change legislation are not either-or propositions.
- By L.K. Williams, EPonline
Cascade Sierra Solutions says truck owners in New England states can get between $100 and $1,000 for fuel-saving equipment.
Company's own audits discovered violations of clean water, clean air, and emergency planning and preparedness regulations.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says the data show a five-year upswing in fuel efficiency in new cars and light duty trucks.
EPA says the Acid Rain Program has limited emissions to 7.6 million tons, well below the cap of 9.5 million tons.
Mexico City's Metrobus, a public-private partnership, was brokered by EMBARQ and designed to reduce air pollution, greenhouses gases, and traffic.
Agriculture and Emergency Management agencies in Missouri will assist with outreach, education and implementation of the Clean Air Act's Risk Management Program.
The study says 9 percent of childhood asthma cases in Long Beach and 6 percent in Riverside were attributable to traffic proximity.
The data cover information from 2004 through 2008 on EPA and state enforcement program performance for the Clean Air Act and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act requirements.
Midwestern utility purchases low NOx burners and over-fire air system to comply with Regional Haze Rule.