As part of a $4.8 billion Tahrir Petrochemicals Complex, the technology project is billed as the world's largest naphtha liquid cracker and will feature GE technologies.
Thought leaders explore opportunities for transformational solutions to maximize resource efficiency.
As long as the federal government has no viable alternative to Yucca Mountain for storing nuclear waste, power plant operators should not be charged annual fees for the cost of that disposal, the judges ruled.
Scientist says a staggering amount of energy needed to punch through the ice.
Citing fiduciary responsibility to workforce and shareholders, UN’s Figueres urges coal industry “look past next quarter’s bottom line and see the next generation’s bottom line.”.
The Arizona Corporation Commission voted 3-2 to approve a monthly charge by the utility Arizona Public Service Co. of 70 cents per kilowatt, on customers who install rooftop solar panels after Jan. 1, 2014.
"The key provisions of this settlement will eliminate overflows of raw sewage in neighborhoods that have for too long been subject to these contaminated overflows," said Acting U.S. Assistant Attorney General Robert G. Dreher.
Times Square will be home to 46 solar-powered waste and recycling stations, helping divert 25 percent of waste to recycling.
Change our behaviors or expect significant economic and ecosystem loss to our world’s oceans.
President Obama has nominated Thomas A. Burke, Ph.D., MPH, of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, to fill the vacant assistant administrator position.
The Lone Star State seeks environmental awareness.
Texas has a reputation for just about anything other than environmental activism, but a public hearing held Nov. 7 by EPA was crowded with people patiently waiting their three-minute turn at the microphone.
A sewage treatment plant in Queensland, Australia chose is expected to double the amount of wastewater it can treat each day after choosing GE’s LEAPmbr membrane bioreactor (MBR).
A new EIP Report describes TVA coal ash pollutants that were measured over the past five years, including arsenic, boron, and cobalt, exceed health guidelines.
Activists met President Obama yesterday as he arrived at a fundraiser in Dallas, to call on him to reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.
Call for action now, saying “Time is not on our side.”
A new USGS study shows that nitrate levels are continuing to rise in the Mississippi River, including the outlet to the Gulf of Mexico.
A team of scientists will be leaving for Antarctica this week in order to conduct a pollution study.
Program honors organizations with sustainable business practices that save money and improve the environment.
A research team from Brown University found this size is best and achieved 90 percent conversion of CO2 to CO.