The Province of Ontario's Green Energy Act of 2009 helped to ignite fast growth in the production of clean and renewable energy. Since 2009, the act has spawned more than 20,000 jobs.
Why frac sand use will become more popular over the next few years and the best methods for drying frac sand.
With just over a month to go before the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act becomes effective in the United States, the House of Representatives has passed a bill that will exempt fire hydrants from lead-safety regulations.
Non-climate scientists' study is seen as a convincing explanation for something that has puzzled other researchers for many years.
Dozens of comments urge the U.S. Coast Guard not to allow barge owners to ship shale gas extraction waste water via inland waterways, saying it is a threat to drinking water supplies.
Students will be able to receive both the newly created Accelerated Sustainable Entrepreneurship MBA at the School of Business Administration and a law or master's degree at VLS.
As three fires have been reported on the Model S, Tesla manufacturer worries that false claims and negative press could harm the demand for sustainable transportation.
The Reduction Act calls for reducing lead in new products, new installations, and repairs of systems that deliver drinking water. It takes effect in January 2014.
The four workshops are taking place in December in Austin, Houston, San Antonio, and Arlington.
EPA's authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions in stationary sources will be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court early next year.
Officials from Clemson University, Duke Energy, SCE&G, and the U.S. Department of Energy participated in the dedication of the SCE&G Energy Innovation Center on Nov. 21.
Eight European leaders in producing energy and renewable energy technologies announced recently they want a legally binding target of more than 30 percent of the EU energy mix to be renewables.
Developed with input from the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Agriculture, EPA’s new proposal seeks public input on annual volume requirements for renewable fuels in all motor vehicle gasoline and diesel produced or imported by the United States in 2014.
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has released a new renewable energy data book that assesses U.S. energy statistics for 2012, including renewable electricity, worldwide renewable energy development, clean energy investments, and data on specific technologies.
The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement announced that the companies either failed to submit initial audit plans by the Nov. 15 deadline or didn’t complete their audits by that date.
Last week, U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., introduced the Water Protection and Reinvestment Trust Fund Act of 2013. It would provide a protected source of revenue to help states replace, repair, and rehabilitate critical wastewater treatment facilities.
A recent EPA report shows that blood mercury levels in women of childbearing age has decreased by 34 percent from a survey conducted in 1999-2000 to follow-up surveys conducted from 2001 to 2010. Additionally, the percentage of women of childbearing age with blood mercury levels above the level of concern decreased by 65 percent.
They are criteria for assessing private-sector standards and ecolabels, considering factors such as how standards are developed and managed, as well as their environmental effectiveness
An unprecedented 10-year-study by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shows encouraging results for frogs and toads on national wildlife refuges.
The Department of Justice announced Nov. 22 that Duke Energy Renewables Inc. pleaded guilty to violating the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act for birds killed at its wind projects in Wyoming.