
Coal interests fiercely oppose EPA

Regulation of Carbon Emissions for Existing Power Plants Under the Clean Air Act

Will EPA finally propose regulations that significantly reduce carbon emissions from existing coal-fired power plants?

BSEE Soliciting Oil Spill Response Research Papers

BSEE Oil Spill Response Division Chief David Moore said the agency hopes "to spur further innovation and to improve upon the techniques and technology available to respond to potential oil spills."

Will federal flood insurance reforms fully embrace the new reality of climate change driving frequent and intense storms?

Severe Weather Events and the National Flood Insurance Program

Will federal flood insurance reforms fully embrace the new reality of climate change driving frequent and intense storms?

Six hundred and nine days in the making, KAI Design & Build recently completed a construction management assignment to build one of the largest Ultraviolet (UV) wastewater disinfection systems in the country, to date.

One of the Country's Largest UV Wastewater Systems Finally Complete

Six hundred and nine days in the making, KAI Design & Build recently completed a construction management assignment to build one of the largest Ultraviolet (UV) wastewater disinfection systems in the country, to date.

EPA Adds Three Indiana Sites to Superfund List

According to EPA, it has listed 1,694 sites since 1983 and has completed the cleanup of 1,147 of them, or 68 percent.

Former BP Engineer Convicted in Deepwater Horizon Case

The Department of Justice announced that a federal court jury convicted Kurt Mix, a former engineer for BP plc, on one count of obstruction of justice for intentionally destroying evidence requested by federal authorities investigating the accident.

32-Month Sentence for EPA Employee's Fraud

John Beale, a former senior policy advisor in the agency's Office of Air and Radiation, had pleaded guilty to stealing government money. He has agreed to pay about $890,000 in restitution and about $500,000 to DOJ in criminal forfeiture.

President Obama’s awaited decision on the Keystone XL pipeline has become a proxy for the larger debate on climate change.

Obama's Decision on the Keystone XL Pipeline

President Obama’s awaited decision on the Keystone XL pipeline has become a proxy for the larger debate on climate change. Will Obama allow the pipeline to go forward?

World's eWaste Flows Mapped

The United States are almost tied for eWaste volume per year, each responsible for a 20 percent of the total volume.

Water Cleanup Technology Demo Announced

OriginOil describes it as a high-speed, chemical-free process to clean up large quantities of water. The company will inaugurate its Permanent Technology Showcase during the Dec. 18 demonstration.

As the largest investment in working lands, the pending Farm Bill may be our best bet to address agriculture’s contribution to climate change.

Growing Climate Change: The Farm Bill as Comprehensive Climate Change Policy

Will the new Farm Bill’s policies cause agriculture to contribute to or mitigate against climate change? As the largest investment in working lands, the pending Farm Bill may be our best bet to address agriculture’s contribution to climate change. Proposed changes would ironically reduce conservation programs, which mitigate climate change, and provide more insurance for farmers affected by climate change events, shoring up profits for commodity producers.

FDA Takes Voluntary Approach to Limiting Animal Antibiotics

The agency is issuing a final guidance document that explains how animal pharmaceutical companies can work with it to voluntarily remove growth enhancement and feed efficiency indications from the approved uses of their medically important antimicrobial drug products.

If left unmonitored, recent trends of forest loss could result in a significant loss of land conservation and water quality, and limit climate change protection.

Loss of Forest Cover Threatens Water, Climate, and Land Conservation

A recent study conducted by Harvard University urges the importance of land-use regulations to help preserve water quality, increase the amount of harvested wood, and protect wildlife habitats.

Right whales are protected by the Ship Strike Reduction Rule.

Endangered Whales Protected by Ship Strike Reduction Rule

According to the NOAA, a final rule has been issued to help keep protecting the endangered North Atlantic right whale by reducing lethal vessel collisions.

Green Building Council's CEO Hails Renewables Memo

President Obama’s memorandum directing the federal government to consume 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020 "will ensure the country is saving energy, reducing our carbon footprint, improving air quality, driving investment in clean technology, and creating jobs," Rick Fedrizzi said Dec. 5.

Years of work have gone into constructing the shore power infrastructure needed to comply with the California Air Resources Board

California Ports Ready for At-Berth Regulation

The California Air Resources Board approved the "Airborne Toxic Control Measure for Auxiliary Diesel Engines Operated on Ocean-Going Vessels At-Berth in a California Port" regulation six years ago. It aims to cut emissions from diesel auxiliary engines on container ships, passenger ships, and refrigerated-cargo ships while they're berthed at the California ports.

INTERPOL Issues Purple Notice on Rogue Fishing Vessel

The ship, currently believed to be called "Thunder," allegedly has sailed under several flags recently to avoid detection of illegal fishing activities.

Hidden Climate Change Caused by Shale Gas Boom

EIP Announces Hidden Climate Change Impact to Fracking Boom

The recent shale gas boom has led to climate change impact in more than 90 new industrial plants, which are projected to emit greenhouse gases equal to 21 coal-fired power plants.

Some in Congress Urge Faster Phase-Out of Hydrofluorocarbons

A letter from U.S. Sen. Tom Carper, who chairs the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee, and 15 colleagues asks EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to take action to accelerate the process.

White House CEQ Chair Announces Departure

Nancy Sutley is leaving in February 2014, the White House announced.