Many parties are jostling for advantage as two competing bills are moving.
The Department of the Interior (DOI), Department of Agriculture (USDA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) recently recognized three new collaborative landscape partnerships across the country, which will help prepare natural resources combat climate change.
"These changes will better protect people's health and benefit the environment in communities across the country by improving prevention and detection of underground storage tank releases," said Mathy Stanislaus, assistant administrator of EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.
A worker was seriously injured when his arm became trapped in a conveyor belt he was maintaining.
The event was staged to call awareness to increased poaching that is rapidly pushing populations of African elephants, rhinos, and other species toward extinction, according to the Interior Department.
The study presents evidence that EPA has been underestimating the public health benefits of controlling metals including arsenic and hexavalent chromium (which can increase the risk of cancer), as well as lead and mercury (which can cause brain damage) released by power plants into rivers, streams, and lakes.
The airport experienced a landslide three months ago.
Its purpose is to provide expert scientific advice, information, and recommendations to the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, which manages programs under the Toxic Substances Control Act and the Pollution Prevention Act.
To qualify for the Safer Choice label (formerly named "Design for the Environment"), a product must meet EPA's Safer Choice Standard, which is based on human health and environmental criteria.
After the initial fill, NLand Surf Park's lagoon will be 100 percent sustainable with rainwater, even in drought conditions, according to the companies involved.
The items EPA issued June 10 "lay the necessary foundation for the development and implementation of a domestic aircraft standard, in accordance with U.S. law and the ICAO process," according to the agency's announcement.
Rexburg’s wastewater treatment plant will use GE system to treat sludge prior to disposal.
With the EPA proposing to lower the primary ozone standard from 75 ppb to 70 or 65 ppb, researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder and the NOAA have created a commentary on how the new standard could make research more difficult for air quality managers at both local and state levels.
Cleco Corp. will pay customers $50 to have outdated, working refrigerators and freezers picked up at their homes and hauled away to be recycled.
"The grants will help transform brownfield sites, such as former manufacturing and mill sites, into productive end uses which directly benefit community residents and create opportunities, including increased housing options, recreational spaces, and jobs," said Mathy Stanislaus, assistant administrator of EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.
We need to start examining the processes within Water-Energy Nexus the same way we are examining HVAC efficiencies: at the molecular level, using nanotechnology.
GE's LEAPmbr system enables advanced treated wastewater to be sent directly into west Texas city's reservoir.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) announced that the northern long-eared bat will be listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Mutual Housing California just received certification from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) of the first multifamily Zero Energy Ready Home for a rental development in the nation.
Exposure to the pollution caused by such things as car exhaust and coal-fired power plants may be associated with an increased risk of autism spectrum disorder, a University of Pittsburgh study has found.